Monday, March 19, 2012

my final post

hey everyone

the title of this post kinda gives away what i'm about to say

in the past couple of weeks i've been thinking and i realized that i truly have expressed myself about many things on this blog and i loved doing it, and it is with this realization that i have come to this decision

i really don't have much left to say except thank you to every loyal reader who followed me on each post, and everyone who shared my posts with their friends through twitter, facebook and so on... i really enjoyed this experience and i hope i managed to write about things that you guys can relate to and idk, maybe one of my posts made you smile a little, if it did well then .. mission accomplished (:

i'm gonna be asked this question a lot, why are you closing your blog?

the truth of the matter is i could sit here and give you a list of reasons why but the reality is i just feel like for now i've reached a point where i can safely say blogging was a great experience and its time to take a break

i won't go off and say i'm never gonna blog again, maybe someday i will, for the time being i'll keep this blog open but i'm gonna close it in a couple of days, all the posts will still be saved though so that reassures me

i hope this decision doesn't disappoint anyone and don't worry, i'll still be around everywhere hehe

until next time? maybe someday ;)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

words that inspire me

hey everyone

how are you?

doing well i hope

i enjoy reading and i enjoy writing, but it takes a lot to get me in that right state of mind, in which i can write properly (btw, my blogging isn't me writing properly, it's just me blabbing), so other than the sound of james blunt's voice, there are some really nice quotes that put me in that state, if you guys have me on instagram you'll see some of the pictures of the iphone notepad i post with beautiful words .. now i mainly get these quotes from this app i have on my iphone, i like reading quotes, and not those lame cheesy teenage quotes which are just constantly repeated, i like reading strong words that really carry meaning with them

so here are a couple of quotes that really speak to me, i hope they do the same to you

  • the nearer the dawn the darker the night - henry wadsworth longfellow, if you're having one of those days where you feel like the whole world is caving it .. your dawn is closer trust me
  • just when the caterpillar thought life was over, it became a butterfly - source unknown if you ever feel like you're stuck in something miserable, believe me, beauty awaits you at the end of that line
  • the finest kind of friendship is between people who expect a great deal of each other but never ask it - sylvia brenner. in other words guys, keep all your expectations to yourself, a true friend would live up to them without you having to say a thing, and if a friend doesn't do that .. they were never your friend
  • change hurts. it makes people insecure, confused, and angry. people want things to be the same as they've always been because that makes life easier. but if you're a leader, you can't let your people hang on to the past-  richard marcinko. so guess what boys and girls? things change every single day, and if you dwell too much in the past, you'll just mentally live there and in today's world all you'll be is a zombie
  • a wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountain top - source unknown. it doesn't matter where you are, with a golden mind you can utilize it wherever you are.
and finally, one of my personal favorites, its a bit of a long one but here it is

"i've continued to recognize the power individuals have to change virtually anything and everything in their lives in an instant. i've learned that the resources we need to turn our dreams into reality are within us, merely waiting for the day when we decide to wake up and claim our birthright." anthony robbins

so here's what i have to say to each and every reader

wake up and claim your birthright, we are all born brilliant, go ahead and claim that brilliance and turn yourself into something extraordinary, no matter who tries to make you feel like you're not.

until next time

Monday, March 12, 2012

10 people that need to seriously shut up

hey guys

how are you all??

hope you're all doing well!

now i realized my most popular posts are the ones that involve me listing stuff, so here's one for you guys!

10 people that need to seriously shut up (and this is not in order of importance or relevance, they all equally need to shut up for an equal amount of time because they're all equally annoying)

1) twilight fans - no offense if you are one, actually it'll be hard not to take offense, but seriously, shut up. the whole story is stupid and you're just ugh.

2) emo people - sometimes i feel like i am one which makes me disgusted so i shake it off. emo people need to seriously shut the hell up, your desperate pleas for attention are so pathetic and cutting yourself just to "get away from it all" is actually a way for you to be put in the picture because you're desperately seeking all forms of attention

3) girls who go like "omg, he won't leave me alone".. hmm maybe he's not leaving you alone because you're easier to get than 1+1

4) guys who are all macho, like "oh yeh baby i run the show around here". the only show you run brother is the show playing around in that tiny little head of yours. wake up and stop being so damn macho

5) guys who think its not masculine to be straight and forward about their emotions. yeh im gonna get a lot of crap about this, but feelings exist in humans regardless of gender, i'm not saying act like a cry baby i'm saying own up to what you feel

6) girls who feel the need to tell the whole world they're in a bad mood. look sweetheart, if you were in any remote way even CLOSE to being important, you'd have people who care about you to talk to when you're in a bad mood. please don't tell the whole world you're in a bad mood so they can ask you what's wrong, we seriously don't care, and when we do ask its only because we think you're pathetic and we wanna laugh at you. all im saying is if you're upset, go talk to the people who care about you. dont tell the whole world

7) people who think they're good at something when in actual fact, they suck at it. like i hate people who dont acknowledge that they're simply BAD at something. there's no shame in it, no body's perfect, and if you're not good at this particular thing you're probably good at something else, stop wasting your time doing something thats clearly not right for you

8) people who are quick to pass judgment on others and refuse to accept one criticism about their lives from others. if you're one of these people. YOU'RE A LIVING DOUBLE STANDARD GET OUT OF MY BLOG.

9) people who envy others on what they have, i wont even comment, its self-explanatory.

and finallyyyyyyyyy

10) nicki minaj. i hate her.

until next time!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

help make a difference!

hey guys

what upppppppppppp

how are you all



i'm alright.


i'm not sure i am .. see i saw a video yesterday, and i'm sure many of you may have heard about it or saw it

in case you didnt, please take a minute .. or 30 minutes, and watch this video, PLEASE!!!

its about joseph kony, a heartless criminal who has enslaved over 30000 children!!

Click here

now if you dont wanna watch this fine, i'll brief you about it

we were all children at some point

if you're a boy, imagine being forced into the army and taught to kill at such a young age

if you're a girl...and this hurts me on so many levels, imagine being victim to sexual abuse and torture before you even get your first period

i dont get millions of views but god i cant sit back and watch these children get tortured knowing that our voice has the capability to DO SOMETHING

it's not just my voice, its yours if you watch the video and pass it along to your friends!! and it wont cost you a single thing

maybe it'll cost you your time, but seriously, god has blessed you with great times as a child, surely you can give up a few moments of that time and help those children who have not had one single moment in time as theirs to enjoy ..

watch the video please. spread awareness, these are innocent lives here, please.


if you're interested in learning more, go on this website as well.

bless your hearts, and may god help those children.

until next time

Monday, March 5, 2012

criteria for a good day

hey guys

how are you all doing?
i didn't ask that in a long time. i'm so self-absorbed i'm sorry, i want to know how you're all doing i really do.

so .. i'm aware i won't get an answer, but i am concerned about your well-being

moving on

today i wanna talk about something really simple

what makes a good day, a good day?

like you know we have good days then we have bad days

but the definition is always different

for me a good day goes as follows:

1) i wake up when i want

2) i stay in bed a good 2 hours before i actually get up

3) my hair looks good (not when i get out of bed though thats just asking too much lol)

4) i pick out a nice outfit to wear

5) i have at least one interesting conversation with someone i like

6) i do something useful with my day, like go to work for example

7) i eat something delicious but non-fattening (i'm still searching for such a meal to exist)

8) i laugh a lot

now as you can see, it's very hard to have all those things in one day, and some of them are down right impossible (every good meal is fattening)

but like the point is, if you take each single one, they're actually pretty small things, its when they're combined thats when they seem great

and thats the point i'm trying to prove here, its the small things that count

you didnt see me mentioning up there that i need 5 tonnes of gold delivered to my house for it to be a good day

dont get me wrong, if you're planning to send me a tonne of gold i'd welcome it with open arms but like its not something i need you know?

(seriously though, gold, yes, go ahead)

hehe im just kidding

but like you get my point right? small things do make us happy, but only if we learn to appreciate them when they come

if one day i got to have at least one of those things on the list, i'd call it a good day!

now you should do the same, think of a list of things that make it a good day for you and try to see how many items on that list you can check off every day! you'll find that your days will be a lot brighter from here on!

alright, so let me do this

today i can cross out the following items because they actually happened:

1) my hair looks good

2) i picked out an outfit i liked

3) i had an interesting conversation with someone i like

4) i laughed a lot

there you go! 4 out of 8! today was a good day ladies and gentlemen, and how was yours?

let me know!

until next time

Friday, March 2, 2012

have you ever

hey guys

so this post will be more about you guys and less about me

i love feedback and i've been getting a lot of it on twitter, i wish to get more of it here, on my actual blog. so if you're reading this and you feel like joining me, i'd love it if you'd reply here and you know you can reply to my twitter if you want, whatever makes you comfortable.

so i'm gonna ask a series of questions and i want you guys to answer

here we go:

1) have you ever let go of something you should have held on to, and if yes what was your reason of letting go?

2) have you ever regretted something and forced yourself to move on, if yes why did you do it in the first place?

3) have you ever been good to someone without any return in exchange, think carefully.

4) have you ever been so upset sometimes that you questioned your reason for living?

5) have you ever been so happy once that you felt like nothing in the world can ever upset you again, if yes how long did that last?

6) have you ever felt different feelings towards someone and you simply weren't sure why they are a part of your life to begin with?

7) have you ever asked yourself, are you truly happy?

8) have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is, or are you just seeing where it takes you?

9) have you ever had a dream, and been told it's impossible?

10) and finally, have you ever mentioned my blog to a friend? hehe

i'd love to know how you guys feel about all these questions, obviously you don't have to answer anything if you don't want to, you can answer a few, you can answer just one even, it's entirely up to you, but i love getting to know what people think and i just think it's a way for us to get to know each other better since you guys know me pretty well by now!

until next time