Monday, October 8, 2012

i'm back?


how are you guys doing?

i'm back yes.

so um i said i'll be back eventually and i am now because i have a few things i do wanna talk about

first thing:

summer. my summer sucked. big time. i was a big emotional wreck and i felt like crap most of the time but hey at least it's over.

second thing:

i'm turning 20 in 13 days. ew. i'm old.

third thing:

i'm back because i'm supposed to be studying but i'm too lazy ok?

fourth and most importantly:

the ACTUAL topic i want to talk about. if you're a good person does that automatically mean good things will happen to you? now i know the obvious answer to that is no but these are my findings so far

now i know someone and she's good in every way. she's straightforward, doesn't lie and perfect in every sense of the word. but for some reason...bad things happen to her

and then you have me, i'm no angel. i've lied before, i've done some things i regret and i am in no way perfect or even close to it. but i have good things going on for me sometimes.

i dont wanna be a jinx on myself or anything but we are always taught to believe that what goes around comes around and while that's true and i have actual examples of that, sometimes life doesn't work that way. sometimes you do bad things and you get away with it.

so where does this leave us? would you do something bad knowing you'd get away with it? is the fear of being caught the only factor that stops you from actually doing something bad? if your answer is yes, ask yourself..are you a good person?

until next time