Thursday, January 12, 2012

nourah is actually very stupid

hey guys

how are you all doing?? good i hope

now i complain a lot and i think you guys picked that up by now but that's cool because i realized i shouldn't complain that much about other people and not pick up my own flaws you know? i'm not perfect and i don't claim to be. so this post is gonna be dedicated to showing you guys how annoying i can be and how i can be the very exact things i hate, just so you guys don't think i'm so stuck up that i can only point out others' flaws and not my own..
alright lets go LIST FORM!

1) i am extremely self-absorbed. the reason why i'm starting with this is because all my blog posts are about me, and what i think, and who i am and who i want to be.. common factor .. "I" so yeh i'm self absorbed and that sucks.

2) i have a very high opinion of my own opinion. like seriously, when i have an opinion about something you can take your opinion and throw it out the window coz chances are thats what i'm gonna do when we have a discussion. unless your opinion is valid of course, but thats unlikely because my opinion is always valid << see what i just did there? (but i do enjoy rational discussions, like if your opinion is interesting and stuff i will take it seriously, dont get me wrong!)

3) i try my best not to argue but when i do, i get really annoying. i mean seriously i get so annoying i think the people in front of me will end up ditching me for life

4) i am incapable of forgiveness. which is wrong, i think i should be capable of it but i'm not, and that doesn't make me strong or anything it makes me idiotic. sometimes even when someone is so dear to me, i can no longer find it in me to forgive them.. and that's sad.

5) i bite my nails... a lot. and its a disgusting habit which will never go away, lord knows i tried, and i've succeeded a couple of times, but it keeps coming back

6) i always assume i'm smart. i know some people think i'm smart, and others don't, i guess we're not quite sure what i am, but i always assume i am and that's extremely condescending. because sometimes there are situations where i don't know what the hell i'm doing, but because i assume i'm smart, i end up all disappointed that i couldn't figure it out, which isn't fair because i don't know everything...

bringing us to our next point.

7) i think i know everything. i'm a know-it-all, someone needs to shut me up.

now that's all i could think of for now, i know i mentioned some pretty annoying things, maybe these are qualities that you absolutely hate about people and i'm sorry if you end up hating me, but these are some of my worst features and i hope you guys can still accept me. i know a lot of the people i know on a personal level read my blog, they probably noticed these flaws in me already (oops) so if i ended up upsetting you because of these things, i truly apologize, and well i hope you still like me (:

until next time

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