Thursday, January 5, 2012

the right actions for the wrong reasons

hey guys


no i'm kidding
how are you all doing? good i hope! miss you lots!

i have found a new meaning to happiness and i only feel it when i hold my new born nephew.. but more on that later

today i'm in the mood to really dig in about a lot of issues .. now a constant concern i have while i blog is whether i'm gonna end up repeating myself or overlapping other things i talked about before .. i dont want to bore anyone but chances are since you're reading this you're bored as hell

now i'm the kind of person who believes that there are so many differences between things that a lot of us don't seem to understand.. and this is what i wanna start off with, i'll make a list, kay?

1) there's a difference between loving someone, and being unhealthily obsessed with everything they do

2) there's a difference between LIKING someone, and being in love with them

3) there's a difference between admiring someone, and copying every god damn thing they do (get your own identity and if you're a copycat, get off my blog you disgusting twit)

4) there's a difference between being smart and being someone who just voices other people's original ideas

5) there's a difference between being funny and being rude

6) there's a difference between understanding someone and caring about them

7) finally, there's a difference between paying attention and listening

now the reason i felt the need to iron out these details and tell you guys about these things is because a lot of us don't realize half the things we do and why we do them

and i'm no better than any of you, in fact i'm probably the worst person alive but thats just a result of my highly unresolved self-esteem issues which we will not talk about.

anywayyyy, i won't explain each one in detail because if at least one of those points on that list didn't make you remember that one time where you didn't really know what i'm talking about, then you're a dumb idiot and you shouldn't be on my blog either

(low threshold for idiots over here).

moving right along

i'm not arrogant, i'm not condescending but i respect people who are real with themselves and if you wanna pretend you're some perfect being then piss off, we're all flawed god damn it and the sooner you realize it the better.

also i'm not aggressive wallah i'm nice, bas i hate people who are in a constant state of denial.

also i wanna talk about moody people

what's up with moody people??

like idk if i'm moody or not, i have mood swings i guess, i have those days where i'm not really up to doing anything but i'm still nice you know, like i still talk to the people i like talking to

but for some reason a lot of people don't seem to have that belief anymore
i'm moody so i'll only talk to you when i feel like it

um excuse me? the day god turns me into a toy for you to pick up whenever you god damn want to, that's when you're allowed to think like that.

what else what else what else

finals are soon.

and that's all i'm going to say about THAT topic haha. i've been thinking about the future a lot .. what's gonna happen.. where am i gonna go .. and life changes so fast! you can never predict anything because nothing is ever fixed, and nothing is ever stable, regardless of how much we want it to be

you know what i want? i wanna be big someday .. and i know we all want that, i know we all wanna get rich and have the flashy cars and the fancy mansions but see .. i believe in going the extra mile i believe that you need to be aware of everything around you and when god grants you endless success and a lifetime of glory, flaunting it is not the answer believe me ..

we all like nice things and there are things i want that are unreasonable but at the end of the day.. life is not about the things you're capable of buying.

i was also gonna talk about one more thing but i completely forgot ..

well i remembered something else but maybe it'll come to me while i tell you guys this piece of news.

i have decided to officially work on a book. now for those of you who know me, you'll know that i already wrote a book before but i only made 5 copies and it wasn't publicly distributed due to its extremely personal content, but it was quite an interesting story but what i'm gonna write will be different, and i hope no one asks any questions about my ideas because guess what sweethearts, i ain't got any! like seriously i'm hoping inspiration will hit me during the holidays.

sadly .. i'm no longer inspired.. sometimes i ask myself .. where did i go?

that's all i have to say for today .. idk if you guys were expecting more, i think i rambled on way more than i should have

love you all for reading this..seriously you guys are my fuel.

thank you <3

until next time

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