Tuesday, January 31, 2012


hey guys

whats up?
how are you all doing?
good i hope!

now i'm sorry i haven't posted in a while, i dont have an excuse, i respect you enough not to lie and make up some dumb excuse so this is the truth

i didnt blog because i've been either too lazy, uninspired or simply .. away from my computer.

so today i wanna talk about dreams

literal and metaphorical ..

literal dreams first

last night i had a collection of strange dreams, i won't get in the details of them but they did get me thinking about the meanings that lie behind dreams

there are people who believe dreams have a spiritual meaning and that they reflect an upcoming event .. now i dont wanna get into that because it's a bit controversial

and there are other people who believe dreams reflect issues stirring up within us, and this is our body's healthy way of expressing our concerns that we carry with us, even in our sleep

i think that's valid, to an extent though.

because a LOT of dreams don't make sense, so sometimes its just a bunch of things that you don't quite understand and you're left wondering whether it means anything or not

my solution to this is dreams are so interesting, and if you spend all your time caught up in analyzing what they mean you're taking away the fun of their complexity. so dont overthink!

now i wanna talk about metaphorical dreams
the ones you should be metaphorically chasing

and although i'm speaking in metaphors now, following what you want is REAL and you should absolutely not stop yourself from getting what you want

i dont wanna sound too much of a cliche, but lets face it, by getting what you want you'd be making yourself the happiest person you could be, and this in return will affect the way you go about your daily life

if you're happy, you'll be nice to others, if you're nice to others, others will be motivated to be nice to others, it's a happy circle that will not stop unless you act like an annoying person and decide to ruin it for everybody

now realistically speaking, the happiness of others is not a task easily achieved BUT what i'm saying to you here is that you can help make others happy by making yourself happy, so why not! you'd be putting yourself first and lets face it thats what we all tend to do, isnt it?

so go on! chase your dreams and do what makes you happy, and never envy others on what they already have, this will create a totally contrasting effect that no body will appreciate.

so what are you still doing here? LEAVE MY BLOG AND CHASE YOUR DREAMS. GO CHASE CHASE CHASE!

but seriously...CHASE

until next time

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