Sunday, February 5, 2012

its true when they say...

hey guys

its been a while

5 days?

how are you all!
good i hope

now we hear a lot of expressions in our daily lives and the fact is, behind each and every common expression is a reason why it's so common, and a reason why it flows around

it takes something very powerful and convincing for everyone to believe it and spread it around, that's why not everything is an expression, and the expressions out there are usually known by most people (the good ones) and the expression i'm gonna talk about today is

"what goes around comes around"

now that is seriously the truest piece of truth in the world

what goes around DOES come back around

and i will tell you a story i heard today from my mum..

it's not fictional or anything

now my mum's family lives in saudi arabia so she spent some of her life there, when she married my dad she had to move to kuwait and start a whole new life here, and transition into marriage life with nobody beside her

this was difficult but she did it, gracefully and beautifully

(i love my mum, raise your hand if you do too)

*stops to raise hand*

now she made a friend here, a friend she truly needed...

one day, her friend offered that they start a business together and mum agreed.. she trusted her

i won't get into the details but it ends with this woman ripping my mum off

my mum was hurt, but she realized she won't let money ruin her friendship

after all we can all agree that money can be a sensitive topic between friends, regardless of how close, correct?

so, mum looks the other way, and this woman comes to her once again in dire need of financial help, and my mum comes to her rescue once more

now let me stop here and tell you this, if you're gonna think of my mum as naive or any of these things, then dont even go on reading this. put yourself in her position and you'll know how she felt, she is a kind woman and that's nothing to be looked down upon for.

once more, the woman acted the fraud.

this is where my mum learnt.

when she told this to the circle of friends she was in, they all knew about the kind of woman that fraud was and that she ripped off many other people too

now this was 30 years ago.


on this day

probably tomorrow too and the day after

this woman's health is deteriorating, given that she's the same age as my mum and her circle of friends (ie not that old)

now i'm not happy that this woman's health condition is bad, but at the same time she ripped off so many people, and this is karma biting her in the butt.

so this is the moral of the story

life will hand you things that can be so unbearable at times you'll think that you're the nicest person ever and you don't deserve this, and you're right you don't because you are a good person

but guess what?

what goes around DOES come back around, whoever treats you unfairly, whoever does you wrong will get it back someday, just wait and watch...

until next time

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