Monday, February 13, 2012

10 reasons why i hate people

hey guys

been a while i know


cutting to the chase now.

10 reasons why i hate people

call me a cynic, do whatever, this is the truth and im just expressing it.

1) people lie. and that's just disgusting, we all do it, you know this, i know this, and its a terrible habit but it makes me hate people

2) everyone secretly enjoys watching other people fail. don't sit around and act like some angel, we all know you enjoyed another person's failure at some point in your life

3) people like to say i told you so. see when i make a mistake, and often i do, i'm sitting there feeling like crap and like the whole world is caving in, and when my only consolation is that i'm not alone, some IDIOT walks in and tells me ... oh i told you so. thanks, in my time of misery i do need someone telling me i messed up and that they know better, thanks a lot.

4) they SHUN others who are different. and this bothers me more than you can know. different is AMAZING yet people frown on it, why? because they're intimidated by brilliance.

5) they value material objects more than sentimental objects. so basically it's more important to have a 745023597609275690876258907690257860258 dollar bag or a 276902572580956780295767258976029762905 dollar car, than it is to have 1 true friend.

6) they like flaunting whatever they have. this relates to the earlier point, when they have a 745023597609275690876258907690257860258 dollar bag or a 276902572580956780295767258976029762905 dollar car, they like to say hey i have a 745023597609275690876258907690257860258 dollar bag or a 276902572580956780295767258976029762905 dollar car (sorry if these numbers are giving you a headache, if it helps i didnt actually read them i just attacked my keyboards out of the fury i have towards these people)

7)they're stupid, most of the time. self-explanatory. and if you need me to explain this then you're stupid and you're one of the people i'm making this list about. go away.

8) they took the meaning of love, shattered it into bits and pieces, and threw these bits and pieces across a park for all the birds to come and SHIT on them. yes thats right, they devalued love in an unbelievable way.

9) they think fitting in is the most important aspect in life, and that success, and being cultured and being educated isn't as important, so they change who they are and if social protocol states that they give up important things like working hard and PARTY instead, guess what they do? they party instead. LIKE IDIOTS. leading us back to point number 7

10) finally, i hate people because at the end of the day i am a person myself, and i don't have all those qualities but i may have some, and that makes me hate me, because it's in our nature to be this way...and that sucks.

until next time

disclaimer: i'm actually nice, but i'm just trying to point out things that i think most of you guys already know, i hope when you go down this list you find that actually pretty much everything i said is true and i'm not meaning to offend anyone.

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