Friday, February 17, 2012

what to do on valentines day

hey guys

so i know valentines day is over but like

i've been thinking

i know that most people out there, especially in our culture don't actually spend valentines day with their "love" or maybe they do and i'm stupid haha

but idk, based on my social circle not many people did anything special on valentines day

and thats ok you know like its not something i strongly believe we should celebrate BUT it can be a nice event to acknowledge, because its an event that sends out a positive message of love and togetherness, so for one thing, if you're out there hating on valentines day because you're like oh if i love someone i should tell them everyday not just that day..

let me respond to you if you have that belief.

LISTEN UP. ok, yeh nobody asked you to not tell your loved one in the 365 days of the year that you love them. TELL THEM, but valentines day is an internationally acknowledged phenomena and hey MAYBE your loved one wants to be a part of that!!!!!!!!!!! so suck it up and be thankful you have someone who wants to celebrate this joyous day with you

now for the rest of you who, like me, were super alone that day. lol. there are other ways to have fun!

yes there are
yes there are
yes there are
yes there are

..sorry i was just shaking off the cynic in me.

i spent my valentines day, celebrating it with someone i do love, my best friend! nahla, this is a "shout-out" for you?, i put quote marks because i think you have to be famous for your shout-out to seem cool. and well..i'm lame lol. anyway, we skyped and took lame pictures of each other and you know i was spending it with someone who made me laugh, and that's one way to spend it.

i actually didn't think i'd laugh at all that day because i thought i'd be just sitting home feeling miserable, its what i told everyone at least but the reality is...

you need to remind yourself that you are loved, and the way you do this is by interacting with those who make you feel loved. they don't have to say it word for word, although that would be nice too. but when someone gives you their time...they're giving you a part of their life that they can never go back to, so learn to appreciate those people

and always love.

i know i'm late right now but i guess it's better late than never, happy valentines day, and thank you for reading my blog posts! i love you guys for taking the time out of your lives to read what i have to say.

until next time

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