Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 things to do when you're sick

hey guys

so i'm like really sick

fever, sore throat, the whole package

and i'm loving it

ew not really i'm dreading it

because normally i'd be out on a sunday, its the beginning of a new week and i have things to do but i cant get around to doing anything because i'm sick. so i thought of coming up with a list of things to do when i'm sick, and if you're sick, or if you're coming down with something, or if you're not sick but lets face it we all get sick eventually, unless you're satan, this post will help you a lot.

1) create a blog, and blog about things to do when you're sick, since thats what im doing now.

2) if you have a fever and a sore throat, make sure you drink lots of fluids, i know this isn't something new but like, i have to include something actually beneficial for you guys to do since the rest of this list will be pretty much useless hehe

3) listen to toxic by britney spears, wanna know why? because the idea of britney wanting to get it on with someone who's toxic makes me feel better about myself

4) laugh at your friends and family who are stuck at college, school or work, basically laugh at people who are busy doing productive things in their day and you're just home...doing nothing.

5) ponder about how you got sick in the first place, was it because you were dumb enough to take a shower and leave your house with wet hair last friday morning on your way to work, or did you pick it up from someone, if so, read the next item on the list.

6) if you picked it up from someone, call them at 3:15 am and whisper "don't think just coz you threw me away at someone i wont come back and get you, sincerely the flu"

7) constantly tell everyone that you're fine, using your extra sick voice, that way everyone will feel sorry for you and make you delicious foods and bring things all the way to you instead of you having to get up and move around and get your body active

8) sing, because lets face it, our singing voice gets so much better when we're sick, and if possible, get a record deal

9) watch lame chick flicks on mbc 2 and mbc max

10) and finally, screw up the timing of your meds so you don't get better and get stuck with these 10 lovely things to do all over again

lol on a more serious note, i really don't enjoy being sick at all, i hope i feel better so if you may, wish me well

also i want to thank sara for making me delicious dinner yesterday and bringing it over, i love you!

and what else?

did i mention i hate being sick??
yep i think i may have.


ok then!

until next time

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