Tuesday, February 28, 2012

i pray you will

hey guys

how are you all?

been a while, i went on vacation and it was fun.

moving right along

i'm not sure what i wanna talk about today .. i guess i want to remind everyone that we all have plenty of choices

i wish i can explain to you exactly what i mean, i wish i can tell you guys what experience i'm going through to prove this but i seriously can't blog about it ..

but i do wanna talk about choices a bit more

nothing in life is forced upon you, not if you're an adult. if you're an adult you accept whatever it is that comes your way and take responsibility for it

now i know many of us are reliant on our parents here and that doesn't deprive you of choice in anyway, but you just gotta make sure you ain't holding back from something you really want

i want you to stop right now, and think about something you really want..i'll do it too

right now, (other than typing this) i'm thinking of 2 things i really want

1 thing i wish i could have

and another thing i truly miss

and as i realize that i'm wishing and missing  2 things, i also realize that it is my decision to not step forward thats stopping me from getting what im wishing for and what im missing

we all claim we've been left, and treated badly .. and yeh, i suppose we've all been treated unfairly at some point

but in some twisted way, that was partly related to a decision you made, a choice you made

not every choice you make is pleasant

i'm missing and wishing for something because this is the position i choose to be in, because i know moving forward may hurt even more, so this is what's safe for me

but i admit it. i'm afraid

and i don't want you to be afraid

i know it doesnt sound strong since i'm not applying my own words, i hope i dont sound too self-contradictory but do go after what you want.

i pray you will.

until next time

Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 things to do when you're sick

hey guys

so i'm like really sick

fever, sore throat, the whole package

and i'm loving it

ew not really i'm dreading it

because normally i'd be out on a sunday, its the beginning of a new week and i have things to do but i cant get around to doing anything because i'm sick. so i thought of coming up with a list of things to do when i'm sick, and if you're sick, or if you're coming down with something, or if you're not sick but lets face it we all get sick eventually, unless you're satan, this post will help you a lot.

1) create a blog, and blog about things to do when you're sick, since thats what im doing now.

2) if you have a fever and a sore throat, make sure you drink lots of fluids, i know this isn't something new but like, i have to include something actually beneficial for you guys to do since the rest of this list will be pretty much useless hehe

3) listen to toxic by britney spears, wanna know why? because the idea of britney wanting to get it on with someone who's toxic makes me feel better about myself

4) laugh at your friends and family who are stuck at college, school or work, basically laugh at people who are busy doing productive things in their day and you're just home...doing nothing.

5) ponder about how you got sick in the first place, was it because you were dumb enough to take a shower and leave your house with wet hair last friday morning on your way to work, or did you pick it up from someone, if so, read the next item on the list.

6) if you picked it up from someone, call them at 3:15 am and whisper "don't think just coz you threw me away at someone i wont come back and get you, sincerely the flu"

7) constantly tell everyone that you're fine, using your extra sick voice, that way everyone will feel sorry for you and make you delicious foods and bring things all the way to you instead of you having to get up and move around and get your body active

8) sing, because lets face it, our singing voice gets so much better when we're sick, and if possible, get a record deal

9) watch lame chick flicks on mbc 2 and mbc max

10) and finally, screw up the timing of your meds so you don't get better and get stuck with these 10 lovely things to do all over again

lol on a more serious note, i really don't enjoy being sick at all, i hope i feel better so if you may, wish me well

also i want to thank sara for making me delicious dinner yesterday and bringing it over, i love you!

and what else?

did i mention i hate being sick??
yep i think i may have.


ok then!

until next time

Friday, February 17, 2012

what to do on valentines day

hey guys

so i know valentines day is over but like

i've been thinking

i know that most people out there, especially in our culture don't actually spend valentines day with their "love" or maybe they do and i'm stupid haha

but idk, based on my social circle not many people did anything special on valentines day

and thats ok you know like its not something i strongly believe we should celebrate BUT it can be a nice event to acknowledge, because its an event that sends out a positive message of love and togetherness, so for one thing, if you're out there hating on valentines day because you're like oh if i love someone i should tell them everyday not just that day..

let me respond to you if you have that belief.

LISTEN UP. ok, yeh nobody asked you to not tell your loved one in the 365 days of the year that you love them. TELL THEM, but valentines day is an internationally acknowledged phenomena and hey MAYBE your loved one wants to be a part of that!!!!!!!!!!! so suck it up and be thankful you have someone who wants to celebrate this joyous day with you

now for the rest of you who, like me, were super alone that day. lol. there are other ways to have fun!

yes there are
yes there are
yes there are
yes there are

..sorry i was just shaking off the cynic in me.

i spent my valentines day, celebrating it with someone i do love, my best friend! nahla, this is a "shout-out" for you?, i put quote marks because i think you have to be famous for your shout-out to seem cool. and well..i'm lame lol. anyway, we skyped and took lame pictures of each other and you know i was spending it with someone who made me laugh, and that's one way to spend it.

i actually didn't think i'd laugh at all that day because i thought i'd be just sitting home feeling miserable, its what i told everyone at least but the reality is...

you need to remind yourself that you are loved, and the way you do this is by interacting with those who make you feel loved. they don't have to say it word for word, although that would be nice too. but when someone gives you their time...they're giving you a part of their life that they can never go back to, so learn to appreciate those people

and always love.

i know i'm late right now but i guess it's better late than never, happy valentines day, and thank you for reading my blog posts! i love you guys for taking the time out of your lives to read what i have to say.

until next time

Monday, February 13, 2012

10 reasons why i hate people

hey guys

been a while i know


cutting to the chase now.

10 reasons why i hate people

call me a cynic, do whatever, this is the truth and im just expressing it.

1) people lie. and that's just disgusting, we all do it, you know this, i know this, and its a terrible habit but it makes me hate people

2) everyone secretly enjoys watching other people fail. don't sit around and act like some angel, we all know you enjoyed another person's failure at some point in your life

3) people like to say i told you so. see when i make a mistake, and often i do, i'm sitting there feeling like crap and like the whole world is caving in, and when my only consolation is that i'm not alone, some IDIOT walks in and tells me ... oh i told you so. thanks, in my time of misery i do need someone telling me i messed up and that they know better, thanks a lot.

4) they SHUN others who are different. and this bothers me more than you can know. different is AMAZING yet people frown on it, why? because they're intimidated by brilliance.

5) they value material objects more than sentimental objects. so basically it's more important to have a 745023597609275690876258907690257860258 dollar bag or a 276902572580956780295767258976029762905 dollar car, than it is to have 1 true friend.

6) they like flaunting whatever they have. this relates to the earlier point, when they have a 745023597609275690876258907690257860258 dollar bag or a 276902572580956780295767258976029762905 dollar car, they like to say hey i have a 745023597609275690876258907690257860258 dollar bag or a 276902572580956780295767258976029762905 dollar car (sorry if these numbers are giving you a headache, if it helps i didnt actually read them i just attacked my keyboards out of the fury i have towards these people)

7)they're stupid, most of the time. self-explanatory. and if you need me to explain this then you're stupid and you're one of the people i'm making this list about. go away.

8) they took the meaning of love, shattered it into bits and pieces, and threw these bits and pieces across a park for all the birds to come and SHIT on them. yes thats right, they devalued love in an unbelievable way.

9) they think fitting in is the most important aspect in life, and that success, and being cultured and being educated isn't as important, so they change who they are and if social protocol states that they give up important things like working hard and PARTY instead, guess what they do? they party instead. LIKE IDIOTS. leading us back to point number 7

10) finally, i hate people because at the end of the day i am a person myself, and i don't have all those qualities but i may have some, and that makes me hate me, because it's in our nature to be this way...and that sucks.

until next time

disclaimer: i'm actually nice, but i'm just trying to point out things that i think most of you guys already know, i hope when you go down this list you find that actually pretty much everything i said is true and i'm not meaning to offend anyone.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

its true when they say...

hey guys

its been a while

5 days?

how are you all!
good i hope

now we hear a lot of expressions in our daily lives and the fact is, behind each and every common expression is a reason why it's so common, and a reason why it flows around

it takes something very powerful and convincing for everyone to believe it and spread it around, that's why not everything is an expression, and the expressions out there are usually known by most people (the good ones) and the expression i'm gonna talk about today is

"what goes around comes around"

now that is seriously the truest piece of truth in the world

what goes around DOES come back around

and i will tell you a story i heard today from my mum..

it's not fictional or anything

now my mum's family lives in saudi arabia so she spent some of her life there, when she married my dad she had to move to kuwait and start a whole new life here, and transition into marriage life with nobody beside her

this was difficult but she did it, gracefully and beautifully

(i love my mum, raise your hand if you do too)

*stops to raise hand*

now she made a friend here, a friend she truly needed...

one day, her friend offered that they start a business together and mum agreed.. she trusted her

i won't get into the details but it ends with this woman ripping my mum off

my mum was hurt, but she realized she won't let money ruin her friendship

after all we can all agree that money can be a sensitive topic between friends, regardless of how close, correct?

so, mum looks the other way, and this woman comes to her once again in dire need of financial help, and my mum comes to her rescue once more

now let me stop here and tell you this, if you're gonna think of my mum as naive or any of these things, then dont even go on reading this. put yourself in her position and you'll know how she felt, she is a kind woman and that's nothing to be looked down upon for.

once more, the woman acted the fraud.

this is where my mum learnt.

when she told this to the circle of friends she was in, they all knew about the kind of woman that fraud was and that she ripped off many other people too

now this was 30 years ago.


on this day

probably tomorrow too and the day after

this woman's health is deteriorating, given that she's the same age as my mum and her circle of friends (ie not that old)

now i'm not happy that this woman's health condition is bad, but at the same time she ripped off so many people, and this is karma biting her in the butt.

so this is the moral of the story

life will hand you things that can be so unbearable at times you'll think that you're the nicest person ever and you don't deserve this, and you're right you don't because you are a good person

but guess what?

what goes around DOES come back around, whoever treats you unfairly, whoever does you wrong will get it back someday, just wait and watch...

until next time