Friday, December 30, 2011

is it possible

hey guys

how are you all?

good i hope.

now lets get to the point..i think jealousy is a terrible seriously. like seriously, i feel like its such a terrible thing and i know that all of you guys agree with this and once again nourah is stating the obvious, but jealousy is horrendous! i mean lets talk about it ok?

jealousy is basically when you don't want someone to have something because it makes them better than you somehow .. and the reason this is terrible is because it completely disregards the effort that a person may have made to obtain something so while you're sitting there eying that person enviously, you don't even ask yourself what they went through to get this

i mean lets talk about this through examples

lets say a girl named kate, whatever (and no i am not using kate to represent me or anyone else for that matter, it's just a god damn example to clarify the point, don't ever jump to conclusions its very clear if i have something to say i'll freakin say it. love you <333) kate works hard to get a promotion, and she gets the promotion, then you have the lazy bum delilah (don't ask why i chose delilah, i actually think all delilahs are sweet after the song hey there delilah bas i'm making her the bad guy in this story, moving on...) and delilah is someone who can't stand to see kate succeed and it's like WHAT THE HELL. kate is sitting there working her socks off and delilah is pointlessly resenting her for it...

and the thing is about jealousy is that we say it's in our nature to be jealous but the thing is, i get it when there's jealousy in a romantic sense, like that's ok i understand it, like if you're with someone and they start giving face to someone else and you feel threatened, i totally get that in fact i find it sweet (if it doesn't cross a line of course) but when there's jealousy between 2 people and 1 is clearly more deserving than the other, that's just unbelievable. and its disgusting

idk maybe this entire post was me talking about something REALLY obvious but i guess i feel strongly about it

i believe that if someone works hard they deserve what they get

and i believe if someone watches somebody else succeed, they shouldn't resent it god damn it while they're sitting around finding other ways to NOT contribute to anything worthy

you know what i mean??

what i want from you to take from this entire post is that ok i get it, sometimes it sucks to see others do so well in life and you're not, but guess what? thats not their god damn problem and you shouldn't like them less or think negatively of them while they're doing something productive with their time and you're not. ok?

love you all to bits and pieces and i can't stress this enough, i appreciate the amount of views i get on this blog..

until next time

Sunday, December 25, 2011

the real winner

hey guys

i know i blogged recently but i feel like there's something i wanna talk about right now


yes i want to talk about you
and you

and you
and you

are you you? is that a trick question?

it really shouldnt be...its quite an easy question

are you you? or are you somebody else?

do you try desperately to fit in?

there are two kinds of fitting in:

1) when you ADAPT into the environment you're in by linking your interests with the interests of others and forming a healthy relationship with those people

and this is the good kind of fitting in

2) when you ALTER your identity in order to adjust to the environment you're in.. and sadly you lose yourself and you become a walking copycat


seriously, what the hell? why the hell is nobody acting natural anymore???
acting naturally works for me, i'm me, and life has its ups and downs but i'm me, that's my salvation that i'm me, i dont let myself down, i think the most disgusting and insulting thing i can ever do to myself is try to copy someone else, what the HELL? am i that insecure about myself that i can't have a shred of dignity to pull myself together and make up who i am by myself?????

i guess what i'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter if you're different, different is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and if you think that by changing who you are you'll make more friends or you'll be happier, my friend you're making the worst mistake ever. BE YOU. we need more you's today...

until next time

Thursday, December 22, 2011

what really matters

hey guys

whats new? how are you guys? are we all good? i sure hope so
how was your week?
need i go on?

anyway.. i came to a realization today .. people's actions don't hurt us, it is our feelings that hurt us, and sometimes when something unexpected happens yeh ok our feelings have a right to hurt us because it's not something we saw coming

but on other times, MOST times, when the facts are there, and our feelings go off drawing their own conclusions and expecting everything to be peachy and fine, DISREGARDING THE FACTS, until the facts are just blatantly in our face..we blame others

no that's stupid and that's dumb, stop blaming others for your unresolved issues with balancing and differentiating between what's actually happening as opposed to what YOU would like to happen

this may sound a little harsh, but i have been hurt due to this on so many occasions and i kept blaming others and just today, like seriously, today it hit me, why the HELL am i blaming other people? they never led me on, i led myself on... and it was due to this misleading that i ended up feeling hurt and upset, so it's not their fault, on the contrary they were honest and clear about what they want and i .. i wanted something different i suppose

the thing is.. we all like different

we all want it sometimes but the people around us may not want that .. they may want to stay the same and that's fine.. see the same is .. the same is ... it's the same

and the thing about the same is that it can never be enough

if it was enough.. we wouldn't wanna change it

and on that note, i'll leave you with this to think about

how often have you been ACTUALLY hurt, or upset or whatever by someone else, PURELY by their actions only and not by your interpretation of what they wanted .. feelings screw you over big time because if you're anything like me .. feelings are what control you

until next time

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

both ways

hey guys

i'm back again.

how are we all? good i hope

now, straight to the point

things in life go BOTH WAYS. idk maybe i'm stating the obvious here, maybe i'm not but some of us don't seem to know that..

some of us either give too much, or give too little, we're never really equal in our relationships, i can honestly say that in every encounter i've had with someone and regardless of how long we've known each other, one of us has definitely given more than the other

thats why i propose the following

we need relationship equilibrium. seriously, we need it. like seriously.

sometimes i find myself giving all my time and effort towards something/someone and i simply get nothing in return, it's not like i'm doing this JUST to get something in return, but i'd like to think if i was nice and pleasant to someone, they'd be the same too. or like if i was there for someone they'd be there for me too..that doesn't seem to exist anymore and whenever someone hands us an amazing gesture, we're so overwhelmed by it and like.. why? doesn't it bother you that lately hurt doesn't surprise us as much as nice things

case in point

i got a nice, small-in-size gift from someone and i honestly didn't see it coming, i was soooo happy because wow no body ever does that anymore unless it's like your birthday, nobody ever gives for no reason, but why doesn't that happen anymore? obviously i dont want gifts everyday this isn't my point, my point is that it is sad that we're living in a world where when people hurt us we say "oh whats new" or "hey, this is life" no, this shouldn't be life, life should be about giving and taking EQUALLY, life should be about expecting good things from one another

life something completely different unfortunately.


until next time

ps: i miss you

Thursday, December 8, 2011

life really does go on

hey guys..

sorry i haven't posted in a while, i have no excuse

yeh i miss you all..

so sometimes things happen and we feel upset..and sometimes people misunderstand us and question the kind of people we are .. and the problem behind that is that the ones we want in our lives may not always trust us or feel that we're good enough for them .. sometimes we do stupid things and sometimes we're just being ourselves..

i'm putting in a lot of general statements and most of the time i rarely make sense but here's the truth of the matter .. some people have an overwhelming effect on us.. and my god i need to pull it together

ok right now


i'm frustrated with myself, you wanna know why? i'll tell you why god damn it, i am frustrated because i let all kinds of things get to me with both new and old people and its like WHY do i put myself through this? WHY do i let myself get affected so much? WHY am i this damn sensitive i hate it!!!

i wanna wake up someday and i wanna be freed up from all this damn emotion that really messes me up all the time, i wanna be someone so strong that can face anything without having a single tear forming in my eyes

i cry in a heartbeat and i need that to stop it seriously bothers me because life doesn't stop once you start crying, it goes on, and that idea upsets me even more because its like when i'm sad i need some kind of consolation i need to know that there is something that will change about whats upsetting me but the truth of the matter is nothing ever changes, you're upset now because you don't know how to get over the fact that life will constantly find new ways to screw you over and you can cry about it all you want but life sure as hell won't stop for anybody.

i'm done

Thursday, December 1, 2011

things you need to know

hey guys

how are you all? good i hope

well its the weekend..not for nourah though, but thats not the point

i'll get straight to the point which is related to everything you really should know, the facts that i haven't blatantly stated about myself but you may have already assumed..

i'll make them into a list because people find that easier to read..

here we go:

1) i expect way too much.

this has cost me many relationships i've had with people (RELATIONSHIPS AS IN ALL KINDS OK?? dont be close-minded if you're gonna decide to read my blog, enough said.)

2) i overthink pretty much everything around me, i interpret things in the most unrealistic kinds of ways and i end up upsetting myself for no reason

i agree, that does sound retarded..but i cant help it, this is me, and i think a lot

3) i believe that there are things in life we have no control over no matter how hard we try

some people believe they can do anything and although its nice to carry that kind of positive energy i dont like to fool myself..

4) i believe that when you love someone .. you go the extra mile

this is a pretty big deal.. you love show them, even if you don't show them directly, you still show them

5) the kindest acts are the ones we don't know about..

the nicest things that people have done for me are the things that i actually dont know about..when your loved ones do things for you and don't tell you..that shows real care

6) i give my heart to everything and everyone i'm around

i'm not in anything for games, for jokes or for laughs..i like to have a good time but never at the expense of someone else's time and effort...if i talk to you, it means i take you seriously and i take whatever it is we have seriously (friendship etc.)

7) if i don't like you, you'll know it

flattery? i don't do that shit, if i don't like you, you'll be the first to know.

8) i have made a lot of bad mistakes..

my god, i made mistakes...mistakes that are so terrible and large in size .. i pity and regret them everyday .. but there's no going back sometimes.. sometimes we accept what we can't control

9) i don't like to have my time wasted

if you're reading this.. and if you're someone who's planning to waste my time in any way, just get out and shut up, i'm not interested.

10) finally.. i like people who want to know me.. so if you do want to know me, i thank you.

really, from my heart..thank you.

until next time