Wednesday, December 14, 2011

both ways

hey guys

i'm back again.

how are we all? good i hope

now, straight to the point

things in life go BOTH WAYS. idk maybe i'm stating the obvious here, maybe i'm not but some of us don't seem to know that..

some of us either give too much, or give too little, we're never really equal in our relationships, i can honestly say that in every encounter i've had with someone and regardless of how long we've known each other, one of us has definitely given more than the other

thats why i propose the following

we need relationship equilibrium. seriously, we need it. like seriously.

sometimes i find myself giving all my time and effort towards something/someone and i simply get nothing in return, it's not like i'm doing this JUST to get something in return, but i'd like to think if i was nice and pleasant to someone, they'd be the same too. or like if i was there for someone they'd be there for me too..that doesn't seem to exist anymore and whenever someone hands us an amazing gesture, we're so overwhelmed by it and like.. why? doesn't it bother you that lately hurt doesn't surprise us as much as nice things

case in point

i got a nice, small-in-size gift from someone and i honestly didn't see it coming, i was soooo happy because wow no body ever does that anymore unless it's like your birthday, nobody ever gives for no reason, but why doesn't that happen anymore? obviously i dont want gifts everyday this isn't my point, my point is that it is sad that we're living in a world where when people hurt us we say "oh whats new" or "hey, this is life" no, this shouldn't be life, life should be about giving and taking EQUALLY, life should be about expecting good things from one another

life something completely different unfortunately.


until next time

ps: i miss you

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