Friday, December 30, 2011

is it possible

hey guys

how are you all?

good i hope.

now lets get to the point..i think jealousy is a terrible seriously. like seriously, i feel like its such a terrible thing and i know that all of you guys agree with this and once again nourah is stating the obvious, but jealousy is horrendous! i mean lets talk about it ok?

jealousy is basically when you don't want someone to have something because it makes them better than you somehow .. and the reason this is terrible is because it completely disregards the effort that a person may have made to obtain something so while you're sitting there eying that person enviously, you don't even ask yourself what they went through to get this

i mean lets talk about this through examples

lets say a girl named kate, whatever (and no i am not using kate to represent me or anyone else for that matter, it's just a god damn example to clarify the point, don't ever jump to conclusions its very clear if i have something to say i'll freakin say it. love you <333) kate works hard to get a promotion, and she gets the promotion, then you have the lazy bum delilah (don't ask why i chose delilah, i actually think all delilahs are sweet after the song hey there delilah bas i'm making her the bad guy in this story, moving on...) and delilah is someone who can't stand to see kate succeed and it's like WHAT THE HELL. kate is sitting there working her socks off and delilah is pointlessly resenting her for it...

and the thing is about jealousy is that we say it's in our nature to be jealous but the thing is, i get it when there's jealousy in a romantic sense, like that's ok i understand it, like if you're with someone and they start giving face to someone else and you feel threatened, i totally get that in fact i find it sweet (if it doesn't cross a line of course) but when there's jealousy between 2 people and 1 is clearly more deserving than the other, that's just unbelievable. and its disgusting

idk maybe this entire post was me talking about something REALLY obvious but i guess i feel strongly about it

i believe that if someone works hard they deserve what they get

and i believe if someone watches somebody else succeed, they shouldn't resent it god damn it while they're sitting around finding other ways to NOT contribute to anything worthy

you know what i mean??

what i want from you to take from this entire post is that ok i get it, sometimes it sucks to see others do so well in life and you're not, but guess what? thats not their god damn problem and you shouldn't like them less or think negatively of them while they're doing something productive with their time and you're not. ok?

love you all to bits and pieces and i can't stress this enough, i appreciate the amount of views i get on this blog..

until next time

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