Thursday, December 22, 2011

what really matters

hey guys

whats new? how are you guys? are we all good? i sure hope so
how was your week?
need i go on?

anyway.. i came to a realization today .. people's actions don't hurt us, it is our feelings that hurt us, and sometimes when something unexpected happens yeh ok our feelings have a right to hurt us because it's not something we saw coming

but on other times, MOST times, when the facts are there, and our feelings go off drawing their own conclusions and expecting everything to be peachy and fine, DISREGARDING THE FACTS, until the facts are just blatantly in our face..we blame others

no that's stupid and that's dumb, stop blaming others for your unresolved issues with balancing and differentiating between what's actually happening as opposed to what YOU would like to happen

this may sound a little harsh, but i have been hurt due to this on so many occasions and i kept blaming others and just today, like seriously, today it hit me, why the HELL am i blaming other people? they never led me on, i led myself on... and it was due to this misleading that i ended up feeling hurt and upset, so it's not their fault, on the contrary they were honest and clear about what they want and i .. i wanted something different i suppose

the thing is.. we all like different

we all want it sometimes but the people around us may not want that .. they may want to stay the same and that's fine.. see the same is .. the same is ... it's the same

and the thing about the same is that it can never be enough

if it was enough.. we wouldn't wanna change it

and on that note, i'll leave you with this to think about

how often have you been ACTUALLY hurt, or upset or whatever by someone else, PURELY by their actions only and not by your interpretation of what they wanted .. feelings screw you over big time because if you're anything like me .. feelings are what control you

until next time

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