Saturday, November 5, 2011

leave me to my thoughts

hey guys, how are we all doing? good i hope!

now let's get started..
i have this entire week off, YAY!
alright moving on to a more interesting topic
the title of this blog is leave me to my thoughts, in case you haven't read it, although i'm pretty sure you have, i just account for the each and every possible case.. case 1 you read the title, case 2 you didn't read the title which is unlikely but nevertheless possible..

leave me to my thoughts..what does that mean? i'll tell you, people seriously, we all have thoughts, we all think, we all have ideas, things click in our heads and things happen and yeh and sometimes some of these things that make sense, and some of these things that seem right, don't actually happen..which is fine that's life man, things don't always happen the way we want them to, but it's not wrong to actually think about sometimes when we go through something that sucks and people go like just don't think about it, for god's sake no i will think about it, because guess what, i have no control over my thoughts, none of us do, that moment you spend trying to control your thoughts, that's a waste because it can never happen, you end up concentrating too much on not thinking about something and ultimately you end up thinking about it anyway

the reality is, we think about things that bother us and not thinking about them is not an option, we simply must its in our nature to dwell over our mishaps and doesn't make us cynical or pessimistic it makes us human.. i for one believe that if you think about something enough, you will eventually grow tired of it and you will stop by yourself, which works for me, it can be a time-consuming process though, see there are things that i've been thinking about for MONTHS and yeh it sucks but i know it'll go away someday, but trying to deny it all...that just makes it worse because when it hits me eventually it hits me know??

idk what else to say! oh eid mubarak you blessed, lovely people! until next time.

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