Wednesday, November 2, 2011

no complications

hey guys
how are you doing? good, i hope. me? i'm quite alright thanks for asking (you didn't ask but i assume you did because i know you guys are polite and cute and gaah i just wanna hug you guys right now because you're reading my blog) anyway back to the point, lately my schedule has been hectic and that's why i haven't been posting much.. i was hoping this can be a daily thing but it clearly can't be due to my schedule which is all over the place all the time..anyway are we all excited about our upcoming vacation? i know i am! wanna know why? BECAUSE I GET 4 DAYS OFF BABY! and that's the longest vacation i've ever had since summer...just sayin' i don't get weekends because of my job so this is a pretty big deal for me..

so you must be wondering, what does this have to do with the title "no complications" well, smartie pants i was just about to get that! my god you can be so impatient sometimes..just kidding i love you and you're STILL cute and polite for reading my blog... so my discussion today will be about complications, and we all know what those are..those are things that make matters more difficult..and a lot of people are at conflict when it comes to this issue because some of us believe complications are circumstantial and others believe they're created by us in order to avoid doing something.. and that's an interesting debate because both arguments are actually sound, generally speaking i do complicate things, in my head, a head is so weird man, its like know that feeling alice got when she was first stuck in wonderland and she had no idea what the hell was going on, i go through that in my head TIMES 100! i never know what's going on and how i get from one thought to another, for example i may find myself thinking about restaurants then all of a sudden i start thinking about koalas, wtf nourah! and no i don't associate koalas with food just in case you're wondering, koalas are adorable and i would never eat one, i just wanna hug one, a7es they would give me the warmest hug ever <333 anyway back to the point! my god i drift off way too much, how did i get from talking about complications to koala hugs? SEE MY POINT! now, sometimes we complicate matters so we can try to understand what's going on when in reality we're just making it worse, and that's why i believe we should keep everything simple and i don't really know how to pick sides in a matter like this because it is a tough call at the end of the day...i just think if you don't wanna do something don't create lies and mess up the situation just to get out of it, just tell the truth for once and don't make things worse for anyone, and if you're one of those people who was unfortunate enough to have complications handed to them on a gold plate by life, then you'll just have to work your way around it my amigo...amigo, why did i say amigo? now i'm thinking about bullfighters..anyway until next time.

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