Tuesday, November 22, 2011

maybe someday, love

hey guys..
how are you all? good i hope
i'll cut straight through to the chase

how often has it been where you wanted something to happen and it never did? or maybe it was going to happen but not just yet...the thing is we cannot rush anything because we have no power over the events that are expected to happen to us

wanting something badly..especially if it involves another person .. it doesn't happen fast and it doesn't happen suddenly so you may want something and you may need it for days in days out and it may or may not happen

i'm not saying don't hope.. on the contrary, hope is a necessity to survive in life even though disappointment follows it sometimes but i guess the point i'm trying to make is that if things don't happen right now, or next week or whenever .. you can't assume they never will

when we discover we want something .. and this is especially about me .. i always want it to happen like right away, i dont wanna wait, i feel like its good and i want it .. but it's not possible to pursue life with that belief because i can't possibly rush things into happening that'll only ruin everything .. the beautiful thing about acquiring something you've dreamed of having is how long you've waited for it .. because only then will you know its true value

i think i'm stating the obvious in this post but idk i feel inspired right now to deliver this message because a lot of things get ruined due to haste and irrationality ... we really can't rush life, sometimes its best that we let it take its time, and i'm the kind of person who believes that if you're basically good, and you have clear intentions, life will be good for you.. i dont believe in "why do bad things happen to good people" i believe in "good things come to those who wait"

so i have a couple of questions that i want you guys to think about ..

what do you want right now?
how long have you been waiting for it?
is it worth it?
are you planning to take action or give it more time?

everyone will answer these questions differently .. i just hope you all make the right decision

until next time

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