Monday, November 7, 2011

what's wrong with the truth

hey guys

i'm not sure if i already blogged about this? did i? idk, i'm gonna talk about telling the truth...and not telling sort of lying...or yeh something like that


i'm listening to keep breathing by ingrid michaelson as i'm writing this, it's a deep song, you should check it out if you believe i have good taste in music..or if you're looking for something to listen to..i hope you like it..


back to the main point and i am SERIOUSLY asking this question..what is wrong with the truth? your natural answer would be nothing, the truth is great. and yeh it is, but then if that's the case then what the hell is wrong with you? do you wanna convince me that you never lied before? i'm pretty sure you why are you saying the truth is great if you hide it it because you can't tell the truth? is it because lying is easier? is it because you're seeking attention desperately so you resort to lying? is it? is it? is it? idk what it is, and it frustrates me because we all lie...and why do we do it? why do we hide things? why do we manipulate others? why do we cheat? why do we do all of these terrible things? these are not key characteristics of human beings, these were not rooted within us as we were created, we are GOOD yet somehow we evolved into something disgusting.. and something evil, i just don't get it. i guess we all need to fit in..and some things about us make us stand out..and these things make us beautiful, but unfortunately some people see these differences as something repulsive so they resort to lying to hide it...

and that's just one kind of lie

the other kind..its the unjustified kind..the worst of them all..

we lie to hurt others..we lie to make ourselves look better..we lie because we believe it to be an option

ask yourself lying an option for you? if it is, i'm not interested in you reading my blog. idk what to say.. i thought i'd have more to say about this but idk..i've been lied to and recently i discovered something huge that i've been lied to about and wow, some people are purely disgusting. enough said.

until next time

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