Thursday, November 10, 2011

an opportunity in disguise

hey guys

how are you all? i hope you're all doing really well..i'm going to talk about something today and i think it's important that we all understand what i'm trying to say..

what are opportunities? for some of us, they change our lives...and for others..we let them slip away so easily and spend the rest of our time regretting it..or we simply blame life for not giving us even more opportunities.. but the thing is.. you can't ask much from life, in fact you shouldn't ask anything, you should take what you get because that's how it works.. sure we want things to happen and sometimes they do happen, but they don't happen coincidentally, they happen because someone out there made it happen

what i mean is, you can't go on thinking things are going to happen for need to go out there and make things happen for yourself, and once you do...opportunities will present themselves to you, and some of these opportunities may appear in disguise..basically you may not know it's an opportunity until you accept it

for example, i'm gonna tell you something that once happened to me and i think it relates to this situation..

this past summer i was on the hunt for a job, and i travelled for a while and came back, and when i came back the job hunting got so helpless that i felt like i should have stayed out of kuwait since being in kuwait was pointless, i could have been elsewhere having fun with people i genuinely enjoyed spending time with.. but i stayed in kuwait because i couldn't travel again and i decided to take a summer course at college, and during the time i took the summer course i managed to finish a subject that opened up all my other subjects for me AND i got a job interview during that same period, if i was out of the country none of this would have happened, now i'm taking the right subjects at college and i have a job i genuinely enjoy..

so i guess what i'm trying to say is, the choices you make may seem like they're wrong sometimes, but actually they could be the best thing you ever i'm not saying we never make wrong choices because the reality is we do, but if we're smart and if we get it right after the first mistake was made...we'll end up growing and living a beautiful life.

until next time

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