Saturday, November 12, 2011



idk why i'm excited but i am so BAM!

hi :)!

how are YOU?

now the rest of this post will be in red, idk why, i guess i wanna SPICEN things up, and red is the color for SPICY...what? idk anyway just look it's gonna be in red ok?

now moving on..

self-evaluation is the title of this post. WHY?

I'll tell you why baby ;) the reason i called this post self-evaluation is because we all need to freakin do it ok...and by it i dont mean anything perverted, "it" here means SELF-EVALUATION. we all need to evaluate ourselves..and not in a nerdy, school-work kind of a more generalist kind of how have you been doing so far? how have people been treating you? how has life been treating you? do you like the way you are now? if yes, why. if no, why not? there's no way out of it you need to think about these things...and it doesn't have to be in a literal form like you don't have to literally excuse yourself from an activity and go like "oh i'd love to go to the movies with you, but i have to self-evaluate right now..can we do this another time?" no, duh, you don't have to do that but what you do have to do is think about it, in passing...when things happen to you... these thoughts must occur to you eventually


recently i've been battling something and i can't tell you what it is, i wish i could but there are some things i simply cannot write here, and it really got me thinking about my view towards i too demanding? do i expect too much from those i care about and believe they care about me too? it's really something i think about a lot... like who really out there is genuine...and pure and true to me? you's thoughts like that, you need to think about these things otherwise you become naive and gullible and easily manipulated and no body wants that.. so i guess what i'm saying here is that you need to be aware of yourself before you begin questioning the way people treat you, just know who you are and know what your actions are and how they may be interpreted because people don't respond to the intention behind your action, they respond to the action itself regardless of how you felt whilst doing it... think about that

until next time MA BABIES!

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