Tuesday, October 18, 2011

however far away

hey guys
so i wanna talk about distance
and the role it plays in our lives

alright lets गो ! in case you're wondering that's GO in hindi..i have a thing for writing in hindi i don't know why, i don't speak hindi though, i speak arabic and english mainly and i'm well acquainted with french, but don't expect me to go off in french at any day because you'll be disappointed. anyway back to my main topic which is distance i wrote the word distance in green because when someone is far away from us they're somewhere else on planet earth, and planet earth has land and seas, and land is in green colour..well not anymore but in some rare parts, it's still kind of green..anyway again i'm drifting off into things that don't make sense..well here's what i'm trying to say, we hear references towards the hardships of distance across songs, movies..tv shows, you name it.. and the thing about distance is that once you're a part of it, it's not really that hard, and i know that you can argue with me and say it is, but believe me i do know what i'm talking about, i guess it's because i'm so well-acquainted with it that it doesn't seem to affect me...when it does affect me is in that moment when i'm with someone who i'm usually distant from and then we have to say goodbye yet again...this is what makes distance hard..the repetition of goodbye..assuming you're staying in each other's lives.. now i'm talking about literal distance not emotional..that's a whole different story which i might probably blog about later but for now.. literal, physical distance .. that's hard because sometimes even though you're in the same country you don't see each other..i guess this is a really deep issue and not enough words can sum it up but how long can you really stay away from someone? i mean if you're dear to each other, you'll always come back..i know i'm drifting off again but i guess it's hard to stay focused when there are so many ideas going around my head about this but ok, here's my most basic fundamental view about physical distance, and this is author nourah talking, not blogger nourah..

"Don't you wish we were lovers without distance from each other?" this is one of my favourite lines from one of my favourite songs because it depicts a deep sense of belonging and a strong feeling of emptiness..and although physical distance is one thing and emotional distance is another, sometimes physical distance occurs when we have no choice..it is forced upon us by the cruel hands of fate and we must come to accept it otherwise we will spend all our days lurking behind shame and misery. I believe distance allows us to grow, not apart but closer, it is this distance that puts any relationship to test and shows how willing two individuals are to make their relationship (whether it was friendship, love, family) work. Although we frequently hear that long-distance relationships never work..but this is in the case of love. The thing about love is that it needs tendering and it needs attention...love in itself is similar to a demanding, needy lover. It requires constant care, and it feeds and grows off of the attention and focus given to it. Love exists within lovers and lovers exist within love, when you create a distance between 2 lovers, things get hard not because they don't love each other enough, but because their hunger isn't being fed, their need isn't being met, and this hunger and need all exists within love. Why is it easier for friends to stay friends regardless of distance? Friendships, deep friendships, are effortless most of the time, they occur naturally when you click with someone easily, all they need is that fun, casual daily conversation and that can be granted throughout the common technology we have today. But love, you cannot communicate the sweet touch of a hand through a text..or the deep romantic stare through a phone call, these things need to be seen, felt and purely experienced in order to fill that void we all have. Finally, these are my views towards distance..if you're a lover it probably won't work out unless you try really hard, and if you're friends, it should not affect you and I am not trying to belittle the value of friendship in any sense, but love..well it's a whole different story.

until next time.

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