Tuesday, October 11, 2011

i'm tired of missing you

hey guys
ok the title of this is extremely controversial and you can think whatever you like but i'm gonna explain what i ACTUALLY mean and if you still wanna go off with your own mistaken thoughts, well there's nothing i can do about that..here goes..how often do people walk in and out of our lives..quite often in my case and it doesn't bother me, i think it's a natural process in life but sometimes it hurts more than it should, and even though you know someone no longer is a part of your life..missing them exhausts you everyday...i've been missing quite a few people actually and i feel like change is coming and we all know how i feel about that..i don't have much else to say but all i know is most things in life (not all) happen due to the choices we make, and it is these choices that determine what our future will be like, don't regret anything..sometimes doing the right thing hurts and sometimes it is impossible to forget the prints someone has left in your life...until next time.

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