Monday, October 10, 2011

so who are you

good morning, how are you all?
the title of this post is weird i know but you'll get it by the time you reach the end of this post, (assuming you'll read that far and not lose interest halfway) well here goes..its 9:52 am and i need to be out of here by 10:15ish, i'm gonna try to think of the right things to say fast, lately i've been having very little room to breathe and it feels like everything around me is changing and to be honest, change is one of those things that really frightens me, because you never know when it's going to hit you and how it's going to hit you...and now my mind has gone completely blank again..lately i've been facing a lot of disappointment and even though it's upsetting, it's a part of life because we constantly have to remind ourselves..and we constantly have to ask ourselves who we are from the beginning..who are you? who am i? who are we? what kind of people are we and how do we respond to this change or how do we respond to this unfortunate circumstance, ask yourself, know how you are, because it is you who will be solving every difficult encounter and in order to be able to do that, you need to know the kind of person you are, are you a person who avoids this kind of thing and responds by shaking it off? or are you a person who is headstrong and takes on new challenges? or are you a person who evaluates each situation differently and decides whether they're going to handle it or not? or finally, are you all of the above! it is impossible to think of a human being as one certain thing, we are a bundle of qualities and features and that is why we face issues and problems everyday...i don't know what else to say, i haven't blogged in a while and i hope this sums up what i wanted to say clearly, and i hope you understand the title of this post now..if you don't then you're probably a lost cause, you can read about my views on lost causes in my older post :p hehe kidding, if you're reading this then you're awesome! until next time.

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