Friday, October 14, 2011

i caught myself

hey guys
how are you all? good, good!
alright so..

trying a new format to this thing
how about bringing in some COLOUR! yes it works, oh wait, i should switch back to black. so anyway, this won't be a long post... i just wanna talk about something that i believe is important. and the fact that the word important will be in bold from now, should show you how important it really is and that i am not kidding lol no i am kidding about the kidding in bold...if you get that. anyway so yeh. i think we all have a lot of फीलिंग्स case you're wondering what that last word was, it's "feelings" in Hindi..there's this feature in blogger that allows me to write in Hindi..i know you're thinking why the hell are you writing in Hindi? i was just trying it out, my god don't be so harsh! back to my main important yeh we all have a lot of feelings and all our friends tell us we should say what we feel and shit and while that's true i don't believe we should say everything we feel, i believe there are things we need to keep to ourselves, so now you're probably thinking, ok so you're saying we shouldn't say what we feel yet you're on this blog saying how YOU feel, why are you such a hypocrite nourah? to answer your question first of all, NO i am not a hypocrite! and second, i don't post everything i feel on this blog believe it or not, there are things i do keep to myself because sometimes we need to control the words that come out of our mouths, we can't say everything and some of you may already know that, but here's the thing...sometimes you may think it's ok to say something but before you do, stop and think about the things that will come after, because those things may affect the relationship you have someone, take me for example, sometimes i hear things from people who i interact with all the time, and frankly they go on their lives thinking that what they said wasn't important and that i don't remember it but guess what? i do. i remember every little thing, every little situation that i went through with someone, especially the bad..not because i'm a pessimist, but because it is wise my friends, it is wise to remember what people have done to you in the past so you'll know how to handle their crap in the future..and you can quote me on that...assuming you read till the very end, which i hope you did because it's of utmost importance that you do, and yes importance is slightly different from important but whatever, tomato tomato, LOL see what i did there? anyway until next time!

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