Tuesday, September 27, 2011

so here are my views on music

hey guys, how are you all doing?
so i'm gonna talk about music in this post because i think music is an important part in each our lives and i noticed there's always a heated debate about good music and bad music..let me be clear about one thing THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS BAD MUSIC, there's such a thing as music we may not like but to some people it can be good, now this doesn't mean you're not entitled to say a song is bad, because you're entitled to do whatever dude seriously, BUT the problem is when you say it's bad and you're convinced other people should think it's bad too, and that's just wrong what the hell ya3nee? for example, i'm one of the many people who think rebecca black's friday isn't the best song out there, but if YOU like it good for you! a song isn't strictly bad because i say so, who am i to make that decision? now here's my opinion about what i think a good song should have..a good song should be able to touch you in a way, like i know you're thinking how can a dance/party song touch me? those can be touching too because when i say touch you i mean it has to move something inside of you, a dance/party song may make you want to get up and dance and be happy, that's touching you in a way..now i'm going to take a moment and tell you about an artist i respect, value and adore..some of you who know me and are reading this probably can guess who i'm going to talk about..james blunt. where do i begin? james blunt is the very reason i listen to music, now that i think about it..he has that voice, that voice that can capture you immediately and hold on to you till his song is over, and he'll leave you wanting to hear more, he takes me on a ride with him and my god he is beautiful...i've seen some videos of him performing live and i swear to you, he sings with such depth and intensity i can't help but fall in love with him..am i love in with james blunt? yes i am. because he's everything i love, he's sensitive, poetic and charming..i know you're thinking so you like softies and no he's not a softie i just respect a man who can openly express his feelings..i also think it should be more socially acceptable for a man to enjoy james blunt's music without being thought of as a softie as well, because james blunt's songs carry an important message about love, hope, despair and truth.
don't get me wrong there are other AMAZING artists out there, but i feel connected to james blunt the most..which artists do you feel connected to and why? if you have me on twitter just give me a mention or a DM, and if you don't have me on twitter you can follow me if you like (@nourah_o) or you can reply here..so yeh. until next time

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