Friday, September 23, 2011

so some people are a lost cause

hey guys
how's everybody doing? i realised that i start rambling on about my day and my views and i don't really ask the politest question in the english language "how are you?" and yeh i don't have thousands of people reading this but i know the number of views i get and if you're reading this now, i genuinely want to know how you're doing, so just answer me through your computer screen or something, although someone passing by may think you're crazy because you're talking to a computer but then you can tell them about my blog and i'll become a millionaire. ok maybe not a millionaire. anyway! now back to what i had plans to discuss, some people are a lost cause, now that sounds so cynical and so negative and so mean but the reality is people, IT'S TRUE. some people ARE a lost cause and we shouldn't waste our time, and the reality is i know that things like that are really easy to say but hard to execute but just think about it, you can't be any more emotional than i am, seriously i'm like the most emotional person ever and i cry over everything but the thing is while i do have a strong connection with my feelings i also compensate that by having a strong connection with what's actually happening around me, for example sometimes a girl can be crazily in love with someone and he doesn't acknowledge her existence, and that's ok because let's face it all girls go through that at some point, and yeh it's totally ok to be upset about that because it's hurtful to know that someone that you find perfect for yourself doesn't agree with you, but at the same time, really think about it. awesome people exist everywhere, and i'm pretty sure that every single girl out there who faced rejection DOES have some awesome qualities, so why do you upset yourself when in reality that guy who doesn't know how awesome you are is the one who should be upset because he doesn't get to have YOUR awesome presence in his life. i really feel upset when girls around me feel undervalued by guys especially, because the reality is we all have and WILL face rejection but please, it does not make you a lesser person and you shouldn't feel like you're unworthy, you are beautiful and that guy is probably just one of those people who happens to be a lost cause. some of you may be thinking right now ok nourah, who is this lost cause that made you come up with all of this? and the answer is almost every single douche and moron i've met, girls and guys, seriously i came across hundreds of assholes and i'm positive that more are coming along, but my attitude towards all these assholes stays the same, they're all lost causes and i won't change myself or upset myself over people who don't value me for me, because if you know me, then you'll know that i'm pretty damn valuable. and no i'm not arrogant, it's the truth, and you're valuable too, remember that.
until next time.

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