Tuesday, September 20, 2011

so today was long but i liked it

hey guys
i'm in this elevated, floating mood right now. i'm not high or anything but i feel like i'm above grounds, idk why though, maybe it's because i've been exhausted all day and i'm gonna get some rest soon, i had a somewhat productive day, it's been good. naturally like any other day many thoughts came in and out, new thoughts were born, and older thoughts were restored..that's the thing, thoughts never go away, they just hibernate or develop. i spent most of my day at uni which works for me kinda since i like it there, but towards the end it got too tiring, anyway..wow it's weird i can't think of much things to say, is it because i'm tired? maybe. there's something about songs with the beautiful sound of a piano that always gets to me, i myself am a pianist but not an accomplished one, i grew up doing it but i haven't picked it up in a while, why did i pick piano? i don't feel i picked it, i feel that it picked me..is that weird? idk i feel like it sent out this vibe that pulled me to it, it can be jazzy and it can be soothing, it can be dark and it can be smooth, it can create opposing, contrasting reactions to different situations and that sort of reminds me of me, and i know you're thinking so nourah you're a walking contradiction? no i'm not, i'm totally straightforward but when i come to think of it, no person has a fixed view on everything it's like when you look at a person's views politically, it's really difficult to find someone who's conservative or liberal about EVERYTHING, for example there are things i believe we should be conservative about like crime and the applying of law, and then there are things we should be liberal about like people's freedom to expression and their rights, so i guess what i'm saying is that sometimes it's ok to have opinions about yourself that are kinda opposite in nature because that's what creates a beautiful human being, being different and allowing yourself to express that difference proudly, and always be proud of who you are and never try to shape your opinion just to agree with everybody else's, that's weak and unwelcomed by me..but at the end of the day my opinion towards other people's actions that don't explicitly or implicitly affect me is "do whatever you want"
that's enough for now...until next time.

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