Thursday, September 15, 2011

so i'm tired

hey guys
so i just got back home from the avenues, if you're not from kuwait and you're reading this (which i highly doubt) the avenues is this huge mall that everyone goes to here, i like it a lot. anyway, i don't have any deep train of thoughts that i wanna share like i did yesterday, but i'm pretty tired from my day, it was productive though, i had a successful morning, thankfully and i had a great evening out. some people here can be really rude though, it annoys me when two perfectly decent girls are walking and they keep getting harassed, seriously what's that about? it makes me uncomfortable to know that anyone can jump at me any second, it's so rude and vulgar and i wish some people would behave in a more civilized manner. anyway, what else? umm let's see, it was a good day generally, i'm glad i get tomorrow off though, i've been running around the city and university all week long finishing up some shit, all of it will clear up in the next couple of days when i announce my big news (to the millions of people reading this blog..haha this is sad) and that's all i have to say for now, i'm pretty tired, and that's the explanation behind the title of this post. until next time