Thursday, September 22, 2011

so i used the boys bathroom today

hey guys
before i start giving you the details of my day, i'll just skip to the part that explains the title of this post, yes i did use the boys bathroom, no i am not used to doing such a thing, i was at the restaurant and i really needed the bathroom and girls (as always) take ages in the bathroom as they create a whole new look for themselves in there, and frankly i couldn't wait so i used the boys room and to be honest it wasn't even that different from the girl's bathroom, the only difference was the sign on the door and the looks i got when i left it, anyway i don't care i know i did the right thing. so now that that's out of the way, let me tell you about the rest of my day, i had college from 8 to 5, completed a lot of shit, and then i went to abu-alhassaniya for my last day with nahla before she leaves to dublin *sound of heart breaking* we had a great time and we must have talked about a thousand different of the things was how i think that everything in life depends on your attitude and your attitude ALONE, circumstances and unexpected events have nothing to do with how things go in life, it all depends on how your attitude is towards all of this. for example i know someone, and i have a particular attitude towards that person, but i know that their attitude towards me is different, so there's no way in hell i'm gonna tell them what i really want to treat them like so i just give as i receive..the thing about that though is that if we only give just as much as we receive, there will be no room for good in life, i mean things like acts of kindness, smiles to strangers and helping the less fortunate...they don't involve giving as much as receiving because we received nothing from these acts, or these strangers or the less fortunate, but we gave..and that's what makes us pure. am i a giver? that's a hard question to be honest, i like to be a giver but sometimes it's hard to overcome some of the crappy things a lot of people put me through, but i will never lose faith in humanity, there are good people out there, there is happiness and most importantly there will always be love.
until next time.

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