Monday, September 19, 2011

so i made a new friend today

hey guys
so i arrived home a while ago, today was a pretty interesting day, i had uni in the morning, then i had lunch at le notre then i went to the city to run an errand and then i spent the rest of the day at abu-alhassaniya with a close friend, we tried out nestle toll house then we roamed around and hung out at the beach, we started playing at the swings and this little girl who couldn't have been more than 1 or 2 years old came to me and she reached out her arms, so i took her and sat her on my lap and started swinging her with me, she wouldn't stop smiling at me i felt so loved! her name is lulwa but i called her lulu hehe, then when we were about to leave i went to say bye to her and her mum was there with her so i introduced myself to the mum and her mum was like "ooh you made a new friend today!" and that's when i really smiled, because that little girl was just so cute and adorable, this is what i love the most about children, how spontaneous and trusting they are of other people, it really made my day seeing the smile on that little girl's face, i uploaded a picture of me and her on my twitter page, so if you're THAT curious you can go check it out, man that little girl was adorable, hehe i'm gonna be smiling about this for a while now, anyway this is enough for now..until next time.

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