Sunday, September 18, 2011

so this post is for girls mainly

hey guys, or girls actually.
anyway guys is a common term in my books but i am focusing this post on girls, i don't get a lot of readers on this thing but i do know i get SOME, and i hope that girls get a chance to read this because i have a very important message i wanna deliver to you i've been in different situations around different people and i understand the needs that every girl has, because i too have them, i'm just another girl really. and believe me girls, i am the most emotional person you'll ever meet, i wasn't like this before but now i'm so freakin sensitive man throw a paper at me and i'll break, i cry easily and i wear my heart on my sleeve basically, and i don't think it's a weakness, bel 3aks i'm proud of the ability to express my feelings, and what i want all of you girls to consider is the following:
1) no person, ESPECIALLY A GUY, is worth you changing yourself for.
2) don't give out too many second chances, they'll just not respect you and treat you even worse than they did before
3) when you love someone (and i'm talking all kinds of love, friend love, sister\brother love, moo bas love love, i believe there's more to life than just that kind of love) love them in every possible way you can.

why am i directing this message to girls only? i'll tell you why. i see a lot of girls around me who talk about how a lot of people hurt them and you know i'm one of those girls, and the reason any of us feel upset over a situation like this is because we feel that we must have did something wrong for a person to treat us and respond this way, and it's girls who are more fragile about this issue because naturally, we're the more sensitive ones, but what i discovered was that if i am who i am, if i draw the right amount of line between the number of times i'll let you screw me over and the number of times you DID screw me over, and if i KNOW i gave you all the love i have (again whether you're a friend, cousin, sibling whatever) then what MORE can i do? seriously, ask yourself this question, whenever you're in a problem with someone, what MORE can you do that you haven't already done? and if you did hold back from giving something you could have given earlier, then yes you should feel responsible and you can talk to the person and hopefully everything will work out, but ask yourself this, what if you gave it everything you could yet you still ended up getting screwed over? well, in that case the lesson here is "that's life" think about that if you can and i do hope this message spreads.
until next time

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