Friday, December 30, 2011

is it possible

hey guys

how are you all?

good i hope.

now lets get to the point..i think jealousy is a terrible seriously. like seriously, i feel like its such a terrible thing and i know that all of you guys agree with this and once again nourah is stating the obvious, but jealousy is horrendous! i mean lets talk about it ok?

jealousy is basically when you don't want someone to have something because it makes them better than you somehow .. and the reason this is terrible is because it completely disregards the effort that a person may have made to obtain something so while you're sitting there eying that person enviously, you don't even ask yourself what they went through to get this

i mean lets talk about this through examples

lets say a girl named kate, whatever (and no i am not using kate to represent me or anyone else for that matter, it's just a god damn example to clarify the point, don't ever jump to conclusions its very clear if i have something to say i'll freakin say it. love you <333) kate works hard to get a promotion, and she gets the promotion, then you have the lazy bum delilah (don't ask why i chose delilah, i actually think all delilahs are sweet after the song hey there delilah bas i'm making her the bad guy in this story, moving on...) and delilah is someone who can't stand to see kate succeed and it's like WHAT THE HELL. kate is sitting there working her socks off and delilah is pointlessly resenting her for it...

and the thing is about jealousy is that we say it's in our nature to be jealous but the thing is, i get it when there's jealousy in a romantic sense, like that's ok i understand it, like if you're with someone and they start giving face to someone else and you feel threatened, i totally get that in fact i find it sweet (if it doesn't cross a line of course) but when there's jealousy between 2 people and 1 is clearly more deserving than the other, that's just unbelievable. and its disgusting

idk maybe this entire post was me talking about something REALLY obvious but i guess i feel strongly about it

i believe that if someone works hard they deserve what they get

and i believe if someone watches somebody else succeed, they shouldn't resent it god damn it while they're sitting around finding other ways to NOT contribute to anything worthy

you know what i mean??

what i want from you to take from this entire post is that ok i get it, sometimes it sucks to see others do so well in life and you're not, but guess what? thats not their god damn problem and you shouldn't like them less or think negatively of them while they're doing something productive with their time and you're not. ok?

love you all to bits and pieces and i can't stress this enough, i appreciate the amount of views i get on this blog..

until next time

Sunday, December 25, 2011

the real winner

hey guys

i know i blogged recently but i feel like there's something i wanna talk about right now


yes i want to talk about you
and you

and you
and you

are you you? is that a trick question?

it really shouldnt be...its quite an easy question

are you you? or are you somebody else?

do you try desperately to fit in?

there are two kinds of fitting in:

1) when you ADAPT into the environment you're in by linking your interests with the interests of others and forming a healthy relationship with those people

and this is the good kind of fitting in

2) when you ALTER your identity in order to adjust to the environment you're in.. and sadly you lose yourself and you become a walking copycat


seriously, what the hell? why the hell is nobody acting natural anymore???
acting naturally works for me, i'm me, and life has its ups and downs but i'm me, that's my salvation that i'm me, i dont let myself down, i think the most disgusting and insulting thing i can ever do to myself is try to copy someone else, what the HELL? am i that insecure about myself that i can't have a shred of dignity to pull myself together and make up who i am by myself?????

i guess what i'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter if you're different, different is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and if you think that by changing who you are you'll make more friends or you'll be happier, my friend you're making the worst mistake ever. BE YOU. we need more you's today...

until next time

Thursday, December 22, 2011

what really matters

hey guys

whats new? how are you guys? are we all good? i sure hope so
how was your week?
need i go on?

anyway.. i came to a realization today .. people's actions don't hurt us, it is our feelings that hurt us, and sometimes when something unexpected happens yeh ok our feelings have a right to hurt us because it's not something we saw coming

but on other times, MOST times, when the facts are there, and our feelings go off drawing their own conclusions and expecting everything to be peachy and fine, DISREGARDING THE FACTS, until the facts are just blatantly in our face..we blame others

no that's stupid and that's dumb, stop blaming others for your unresolved issues with balancing and differentiating between what's actually happening as opposed to what YOU would like to happen

this may sound a little harsh, but i have been hurt due to this on so many occasions and i kept blaming others and just today, like seriously, today it hit me, why the HELL am i blaming other people? they never led me on, i led myself on... and it was due to this misleading that i ended up feeling hurt and upset, so it's not their fault, on the contrary they were honest and clear about what they want and i .. i wanted something different i suppose

the thing is.. we all like different

we all want it sometimes but the people around us may not want that .. they may want to stay the same and that's fine.. see the same is .. the same is ... it's the same

and the thing about the same is that it can never be enough

if it was enough.. we wouldn't wanna change it

and on that note, i'll leave you with this to think about

how often have you been ACTUALLY hurt, or upset or whatever by someone else, PURELY by their actions only and not by your interpretation of what they wanted .. feelings screw you over big time because if you're anything like me .. feelings are what control you

until next time

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

both ways

hey guys

i'm back again.

how are we all? good i hope

now, straight to the point

things in life go BOTH WAYS. idk maybe i'm stating the obvious here, maybe i'm not but some of us don't seem to know that..

some of us either give too much, or give too little, we're never really equal in our relationships, i can honestly say that in every encounter i've had with someone and regardless of how long we've known each other, one of us has definitely given more than the other

thats why i propose the following

we need relationship equilibrium. seriously, we need it. like seriously.

sometimes i find myself giving all my time and effort towards something/someone and i simply get nothing in return, it's not like i'm doing this JUST to get something in return, but i'd like to think if i was nice and pleasant to someone, they'd be the same too. or like if i was there for someone they'd be there for me too..that doesn't seem to exist anymore and whenever someone hands us an amazing gesture, we're so overwhelmed by it and like.. why? doesn't it bother you that lately hurt doesn't surprise us as much as nice things

case in point

i got a nice, small-in-size gift from someone and i honestly didn't see it coming, i was soooo happy because wow no body ever does that anymore unless it's like your birthday, nobody ever gives for no reason, but why doesn't that happen anymore? obviously i dont want gifts everyday this isn't my point, my point is that it is sad that we're living in a world where when people hurt us we say "oh whats new" or "hey, this is life" no, this shouldn't be life, life should be about giving and taking EQUALLY, life should be about expecting good things from one another

life something completely different unfortunately.


until next time

ps: i miss you

Thursday, December 8, 2011

life really does go on

hey guys..

sorry i haven't posted in a while, i have no excuse

yeh i miss you all..

so sometimes things happen and we feel upset..and sometimes people misunderstand us and question the kind of people we are .. and the problem behind that is that the ones we want in our lives may not always trust us or feel that we're good enough for them .. sometimes we do stupid things and sometimes we're just being ourselves..

i'm putting in a lot of general statements and most of the time i rarely make sense but here's the truth of the matter .. some people have an overwhelming effect on us.. and my god i need to pull it together

ok right now


i'm frustrated with myself, you wanna know why? i'll tell you why god damn it, i am frustrated because i let all kinds of things get to me with both new and old people and its like WHY do i put myself through this? WHY do i let myself get affected so much? WHY am i this damn sensitive i hate it!!!

i wanna wake up someday and i wanna be freed up from all this damn emotion that really messes me up all the time, i wanna be someone so strong that can face anything without having a single tear forming in my eyes

i cry in a heartbeat and i need that to stop it seriously bothers me because life doesn't stop once you start crying, it goes on, and that idea upsets me even more because its like when i'm sad i need some kind of consolation i need to know that there is something that will change about whats upsetting me but the truth of the matter is nothing ever changes, you're upset now because you don't know how to get over the fact that life will constantly find new ways to screw you over and you can cry about it all you want but life sure as hell won't stop for anybody.

i'm done

Thursday, December 1, 2011

things you need to know

hey guys

how are you all? good i hope

well its the weekend..not for nourah though, but thats not the point

i'll get straight to the point which is related to everything you really should know, the facts that i haven't blatantly stated about myself but you may have already assumed..

i'll make them into a list because people find that easier to read..

here we go:

1) i expect way too much.

this has cost me many relationships i've had with people (RELATIONSHIPS AS IN ALL KINDS OK?? dont be close-minded if you're gonna decide to read my blog, enough said.)

2) i overthink pretty much everything around me, i interpret things in the most unrealistic kinds of ways and i end up upsetting myself for no reason

i agree, that does sound retarded..but i cant help it, this is me, and i think a lot

3) i believe that there are things in life we have no control over no matter how hard we try

some people believe they can do anything and although its nice to carry that kind of positive energy i dont like to fool myself..

4) i believe that when you love someone .. you go the extra mile

this is a pretty big deal.. you love show them, even if you don't show them directly, you still show them

5) the kindest acts are the ones we don't know about..

the nicest things that people have done for me are the things that i actually dont know about..when your loved ones do things for you and don't tell you..that shows real care

6) i give my heart to everything and everyone i'm around

i'm not in anything for games, for jokes or for laughs..i like to have a good time but never at the expense of someone else's time and effort...if i talk to you, it means i take you seriously and i take whatever it is we have seriously (friendship etc.)

7) if i don't like you, you'll know it

flattery? i don't do that shit, if i don't like you, you'll be the first to know.

8) i have made a lot of bad mistakes..

my god, i made mistakes...mistakes that are so terrible and large in size .. i pity and regret them everyday .. but there's no going back sometimes.. sometimes we accept what we can't control

9) i don't like to have my time wasted

if you're reading this.. and if you're someone who's planning to waste my time in any way, just get out and shut up, i'm not interested.

10) finally.. i like people who want to know me.. so if you do want to know me, i thank you.

really, from my heart..thank you.

until next time

Monday, November 28, 2011

all these words

hey guys

long time i know, how are you? i'll get straight to the point

the weather.

i'm the kind of person who believes everything in our environment affects us .. and the weather in kuwait has been amazing lately .. there have been a lot of clouds, we've been getting some rain and my god i love rain

lets talk about rain for a second ..

why do i love the rain so much?? the thing is unfortunately i'm kind of a gloomy person .. and its not something i'm proud of its just a reality about me .. i'm gloomy and i have a tendency to think i'm rejected and unwanted most of the time .. and the thing about rain is that its sort of like when it rains .. the sky is here for you, does that make sense? i feel like the sky is making a statement when its raining.. like things happen even to the biggest of features in this world, water pours out of these skies, everything in this world is moved and changeable, so it sort of acts as a reminder that maybe the way i'm feeling is interchangeable too . maybe i won't always feel this way .. and sometimes when i'm feeling down and it starts to rain, i feel like the sky is here for me

i mean i know what i'm saying probably sounds pretty lame, but this is me.. and idk.. lately i've been having weird feelings but thats just me as well


i want to write poems

and i want you guys to tell me whether you think i should go for it or not .. i've never been much of a poet.. just a writer and idk i wanna experiment a little

i realise this blog post may not have been as interesting as you may have hoped but i guess that just tells you that lately .. i'm not exactly myself

until next time

Thursday, November 24, 2011

it's too late i'm already yours

hey guys

how are you all? good i hope..

so i dont know what to say in this post, so idk why i'm posting, i feel like i have something to say here i'm just not sure what ..

it's too late, i'm already yours .. what does that mean? it sort of sounds like surrendering to someone or you guys ever feel that way? do you ever feel like you're surrendering or giving up... not necessarily to something good or bad, just surrendering...accepting that you can't change how you feel towards something or accepting that this is a part of your life

so is this surrendering a good thing?? well it depends doesn't it .. i believe none of us should settle for something less than what we actually deserve .. a couple of months ago i retaliated surrendering myself to something that i clearly did not deserve .. i deserved better .. and i carried that belief around with me .. and that's why on this day, i feel like i'm slowly attaining what i deserve and this is good .. i know i sound vague but i really can't get too personal .. which sucks i know since i pride myself in being open to everyone who reads my twitter and blog but surely not everything is made to be shared .. plus the details of my life can be boring sometimes and you guys only deserve interesting things <3

so i dont know what message i actually delivered to you in this post .. i guess what i'm saying is that when you surrender yourself .. make sure it's for a good cause, you're valuable

until next time

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

maybe someday, love

hey guys..
how are you all? good i hope
i'll cut straight through to the chase

how often has it been where you wanted something to happen and it never did? or maybe it was going to happen but not just yet...the thing is we cannot rush anything because we have no power over the events that are expected to happen to us

wanting something badly..especially if it involves another person .. it doesn't happen fast and it doesn't happen suddenly so you may want something and you may need it for days in days out and it may or may not happen

i'm not saying don't hope.. on the contrary, hope is a necessity to survive in life even though disappointment follows it sometimes but i guess the point i'm trying to make is that if things don't happen right now, or next week or whenever .. you can't assume they never will

when we discover we want something .. and this is especially about me .. i always want it to happen like right away, i dont wanna wait, i feel like its good and i want it .. but it's not possible to pursue life with that belief because i can't possibly rush things into happening that'll only ruin everything .. the beautiful thing about acquiring something you've dreamed of having is how long you've waited for it .. because only then will you know its true value

i think i'm stating the obvious in this post but idk i feel inspired right now to deliver this message because a lot of things get ruined due to haste and irrationality ... we really can't rush life, sometimes its best that we let it take its time, and i'm the kind of person who believes that if you're basically good, and you have clear intentions, life will be good for you.. i dont believe in "why do bad things happen to good people" i believe in "good things come to those who wait"

so i have a couple of questions that i want you guys to think about ..

what do you want right now?
how long have you been waiting for it?
is it worth it?
are you planning to take action or give it more time?

everyone will answer these questions differently .. i just hope you all make the right decision

until next time

Saturday, November 19, 2011

the sweetest sadness in your eyes

hey guys..
how are we today?

i'm sorry i didnt post anything up here in a while .. my schedule has been a bit hectic .. i'm not sure what i want to say right now or maybe i am, i dont know

here's something i don't understand


why do people feel the need to pretend?
some of us actually are attracted to it because we don't know that its actually happening...when did we become a world filled with fake smiles and unspoken words?

why do we smile at people we clearly don't like and ignore people we clearly want to talk to

why do we think its ok to lie just to make ourselves seem more interesting

and here's the biggest question

why do we still put ourselves out there?

i'm gonna talk about that very last question more than the others because i feel like there's a lot of meaning behind it

as humans, we have an abnormally high demand for attention and love, which is fine it's in our nature..but for some strange season a lot of us seem to repeatedly make the same mistake over and upsets me when i see people falling for the same kind of lies and tricks that they used to fall for .. have you not learned anything? life hands us all kinds of learning experiences, and we're allowed to fail that first time, but when we keep failing...we really haven't learned anything, we just sit there day in day out and watch the cruel world push us down and down

i kinda drifted away from my point, or maybe i didnt i dont know

i guess what i want to say is that pretension exists everywhere we go, and we should never let it get to us, we should never tolerate it from others and we should never find ourselves exercising it, you are beautifully unique and my god is it painful to watch such originality fade away

until next time

Sunday, November 13, 2011

the reason i feel the way i do

hey guys

how are you all? i hope you're all doing superbly ... this post will be sort of deep and personal.. idk why maybe it's the music i'm listening to, it actually relates to what i'm about to blog about...i'm sure many of you know how i feel about the song 1973 by james blunt...i recently found a piano cover of it online and everytime i listen to it, it just gets me thinking...there's just something about its melody that fills my body with thoughts of nostalgia..

in the song james blunt talks about he will always be with simona in a club in 1973 even though time goes by

life takes us away from a lot of people .. and sometimes we take ourselves away from those people and blame it on life's cruel ways.. it's hard to tell who's orchestrating his separation but i believe that even when someone is no longer a part of your life.. the influence they have had on you is permanent and you will always be in a special place with them no matter what...

whenever i feel myself drifting from someone, and once the parting has been finalized .. once i know things aren't coming back no matter what .. all i can do is remind myself how amazing they are and how valuable their contribution to my life has been .. because this makes moving on easier .. i do remember the bad things but it is not how i choose to store their image in my mind

so idk who's reading this .. but if at some point you were in my life and you no longer are .. don't try to come back because everything has its expiry date and remember .. i hold no hard feelings whatsoever

until next time

Saturday, November 12, 2011



idk why i'm excited but i am so BAM!

hi :)!

how are YOU?

now the rest of this post will be in red, idk why, i guess i wanna SPICEN things up, and red is the color for SPICY...what? idk anyway just look it's gonna be in red ok?

now moving on..

self-evaluation is the title of this post. WHY?

I'll tell you why baby ;) the reason i called this post self-evaluation is because we all need to freakin do it ok...and by it i dont mean anything perverted, "it" here means SELF-EVALUATION. we all need to evaluate ourselves..and not in a nerdy, school-work kind of a more generalist kind of how have you been doing so far? how have people been treating you? how has life been treating you? do you like the way you are now? if yes, why. if no, why not? there's no way out of it you need to think about these things...and it doesn't have to be in a literal form like you don't have to literally excuse yourself from an activity and go like "oh i'd love to go to the movies with you, but i have to self-evaluate right now..can we do this another time?" no, duh, you don't have to do that but what you do have to do is think about it, in passing...when things happen to you... these thoughts must occur to you eventually


recently i've been battling something and i can't tell you what it is, i wish i could but there are some things i simply cannot write here, and it really got me thinking about my view towards i too demanding? do i expect too much from those i care about and believe they care about me too? it's really something i think about a lot... like who really out there is genuine...and pure and true to me? you's thoughts like that, you need to think about these things otherwise you become naive and gullible and easily manipulated and no body wants that.. so i guess what i'm saying here is that you need to be aware of yourself before you begin questioning the way people treat you, just know who you are and know what your actions are and how they may be interpreted because people don't respond to the intention behind your action, they respond to the action itself regardless of how you felt whilst doing it... think about that

until next time MA BABIES!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

an opportunity in disguise

hey guys

how are you all? i hope you're all doing really well..i'm going to talk about something today and i think it's important that we all understand what i'm trying to say..

what are opportunities? for some of us, they change our lives...and for others..we let them slip away so easily and spend the rest of our time regretting it..or we simply blame life for not giving us even more opportunities.. but the thing is.. you can't ask much from life, in fact you shouldn't ask anything, you should take what you get because that's how it works.. sure we want things to happen and sometimes they do happen, but they don't happen coincidentally, they happen because someone out there made it happen

what i mean is, you can't go on thinking things are going to happen for need to go out there and make things happen for yourself, and once you do...opportunities will present themselves to you, and some of these opportunities may appear in disguise..basically you may not know it's an opportunity until you accept it

for example, i'm gonna tell you something that once happened to me and i think it relates to this situation..

this past summer i was on the hunt for a job, and i travelled for a while and came back, and when i came back the job hunting got so helpless that i felt like i should have stayed out of kuwait since being in kuwait was pointless, i could have been elsewhere having fun with people i genuinely enjoyed spending time with.. but i stayed in kuwait because i couldn't travel again and i decided to take a summer course at college, and during the time i took the summer course i managed to finish a subject that opened up all my other subjects for me AND i got a job interview during that same period, if i was out of the country none of this would have happened, now i'm taking the right subjects at college and i have a job i genuinely enjoy..

so i guess what i'm trying to say is, the choices you make may seem like they're wrong sometimes, but actually they could be the best thing you ever i'm not saying we never make wrong choices because the reality is we do, but if we're smart and if we get it right after the first mistake was made...we'll end up growing and living a beautiful life.

until next time

Monday, November 7, 2011

what's wrong with the truth

hey guys

i'm not sure if i already blogged about this? did i? idk, i'm gonna talk about telling the truth...and not telling sort of lying...or yeh something like that


i'm listening to keep breathing by ingrid michaelson as i'm writing this, it's a deep song, you should check it out if you believe i have good taste in music..or if you're looking for something to listen to..i hope you like it..


back to the main point and i am SERIOUSLY asking this question..what is wrong with the truth? your natural answer would be nothing, the truth is great. and yeh it is, but then if that's the case then what the hell is wrong with you? do you wanna convince me that you never lied before? i'm pretty sure you why are you saying the truth is great if you hide it it because you can't tell the truth? is it because lying is easier? is it because you're seeking attention desperately so you resort to lying? is it? is it? is it? idk what it is, and it frustrates me because we all lie...and why do we do it? why do we hide things? why do we manipulate others? why do we cheat? why do we do all of these terrible things? these are not key characteristics of human beings, these were not rooted within us as we were created, we are GOOD yet somehow we evolved into something disgusting.. and something evil, i just don't get it. i guess we all need to fit in..and some things about us make us stand out..and these things make us beautiful, but unfortunately some people see these differences as something repulsive so they resort to lying to hide it...

and that's just one kind of lie

the other kind..its the unjustified kind..the worst of them all..

we lie to hurt others..we lie to make ourselves look better..we lie because we believe it to be an option

ask yourself lying an option for you? if it is, i'm not interested in you reading my blog. idk what to say.. i thought i'd have more to say about this but idk..i've been lied to and recently i discovered something huge that i've been lied to about and wow, some people are purely disgusting. enough said.

until next time

Saturday, November 5, 2011

leave me to my thoughts

hey guys, how are we all doing? good i hope!

now let's get started..
i have this entire week off, YAY!
alright moving on to a more interesting topic
the title of this blog is leave me to my thoughts, in case you haven't read it, although i'm pretty sure you have, i just account for the each and every possible case.. case 1 you read the title, case 2 you didn't read the title which is unlikely but nevertheless possible..

leave me to my thoughts..what does that mean? i'll tell you, people seriously, we all have thoughts, we all think, we all have ideas, things click in our heads and things happen and yeh and sometimes some of these things that make sense, and some of these things that seem right, don't actually happen..which is fine that's life man, things don't always happen the way we want them to, but it's not wrong to actually think about sometimes when we go through something that sucks and people go like just don't think about it, for god's sake no i will think about it, because guess what, i have no control over my thoughts, none of us do, that moment you spend trying to control your thoughts, that's a waste because it can never happen, you end up concentrating too much on not thinking about something and ultimately you end up thinking about it anyway

the reality is, we think about things that bother us and not thinking about them is not an option, we simply must its in our nature to dwell over our mishaps and doesn't make us cynical or pessimistic it makes us human.. i for one believe that if you think about something enough, you will eventually grow tired of it and you will stop by yourself, which works for me, it can be a time-consuming process though, see there are things that i've been thinking about for MONTHS and yeh it sucks but i know it'll go away someday, but trying to deny it all...that just makes it worse because when it hits me eventually it hits me know??

idk what else to say! oh eid mubarak you blessed, lovely people! until next time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

no complications

hey guys
how are you doing? good, i hope. me? i'm quite alright thanks for asking (you didn't ask but i assume you did because i know you guys are polite and cute and gaah i just wanna hug you guys right now because you're reading my blog) anyway back to the point, lately my schedule has been hectic and that's why i haven't been posting much.. i was hoping this can be a daily thing but it clearly can't be due to my schedule which is all over the place all the time..anyway are we all excited about our upcoming vacation? i know i am! wanna know why? BECAUSE I GET 4 DAYS OFF BABY! and that's the longest vacation i've ever had since summer...just sayin' i don't get weekends because of my job so this is a pretty big deal for me..

so you must be wondering, what does this have to do with the title "no complications" well, smartie pants i was just about to get that! my god you can be so impatient sometimes..just kidding i love you and you're STILL cute and polite for reading my blog... so my discussion today will be about complications, and we all know what those are..those are things that make matters more difficult..and a lot of people are at conflict when it comes to this issue because some of us believe complications are circumstantial and others believe they're created by us in order to avoid doing something.. and that's an interesting debate because both arguments are actually sound, generally speaking i do complicate things, in my head, a head is so weird man, its like know that feeling alice got when she was first stuck in wonderland and she had no idea what the hell was going on, i go through that in my head TIMES 100! i never know what's going on and how i get from one thought to another, for example i may find myself thinking about restaurants then all of a sudden i start thinking about koalas, wtf nourah! and no i don't associate koalas with food just in case you're wondering, koalas are adorable and i would never eat one, i just wanna hug one, a7es they would give me the warmest hug ever <333 anyway back to the point! my god i drift off way too much, how did i get from talking about complications to koala hugs? SEE MY POINT! now, sometimes we complicate matters so we can try to understand what's going on when in reality we're just making it worse, and that's why i believe we should keep everything simple and i don't really know how to pick sides in a matter like this because it is a tough call at the end of the day...i just think if you don't wanna do something don't create lies and mess up the situation just to get out of it, just tell the truth for once and don't make things worse for anyone, and if you're one of those people who was unfortunate enough to have complications handed to them on a gold plate by life, then you'll just have to work your way around it my amigo...amigo, why did i say amigo? now i'm thinking about bullfighters..anyway until next time.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

these are the words i wish i'd said to you

hey guys

how are WE? are WE good? and if yes, are WE sure? alright enough with that, i want to talk about something interesting that a lot of us have to face sometimes and wonder whether we did the right thing or not...i wanna talk about holding back on things you should have said, or refraining from saying something you already let slip out..

so there's a lot of conflict as to what's worse, not knowing or knowing something you wished you didn't and i think that's a really tough decision to make because ultimately it depends on what we're dealing with here..for example during the summer i was in the process of looking for jobs and a lot of the places i applied to ignored me, so in that situation i hated not knowing but at the same time when someone ignores you, they're kind of giving you an answer indirectly and i think that's what makes not knowing straight-up so hard, it's like the other person is saying you're not even good enough, or you're not even worthy enough for a rejection..maybe that's a dramatic interpretation but idk its what i feel

then lets talk about this, when you do know the answer and it's not the answer you wanna hear, now how much does that suck! i feel like a lot of us have heard some harsh words and idk if i'm the only one but when i hear something hurtful, i feel a piercing pain in my heart and this lump in my throat, and sometimes i feel like i'm almost ready to cry..and sometimes i do cry, the reality is in a situation like this i'm not that strong because i dread rejection, if i was open about something from all of my heart and i get rejected...i take it to my heart as well because that's where it came from!

so which is worse? i explained both and frankly...i still don't know but to an extent not knowing hurts more because it's like even if you know something won't happen, that annoying, mocking hope lingers with you since you didn't receive a clear-cut no, and even though all the signs are there we sometimes need that harsh no regardless of how bad it will make us feel, it's that strong feeling of hurt that will constantly remind us not to go down that path again..yes, this makes sense doesn't it? anyway that's all i have to say for now...what are your views? let me know..and chances are no one will answer this but just think about it then..i'd love to know my thoughts have given you something to think about..until next time.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I witnessed something terrible today

Hey guys
How are we all? Before i begin i just want to express my love towards my iphone because i finally get to blog from my phone freely! Woohoo! Anyway moving on, i'm gonna get straight to the i saw something racist/discriminating/disgusting and down right pathetic.
As you all know on weekends malls here get crowded, so i was caught in traffic at this one mall's parking and there must have been a problem between this kuwaiti guy and an indian driver so what the kuwaiti did was that he got out of his car and started shouting at the driver so loudly everyone freakin heard ok? He was loud and he was rude and he ended up spitting at the indian guy and that just did it for me, how the hell can someone be so arrogant and rude? When was it socially acceptable to behave this way to a non-kuwaiti?? I get that many of us have this belief that we're superior to people who arent kuwaiti and fine ok think whatever you want, but dont go around thinking you're some big shot who can shout and throw things and spit at others because of some superiority complex you clearly need help with, if you think you're better because of something given to you uncontrollably (gender/nationality/color etc) then get the hell out of my blog you're racist and i dont respect you, if you're against racism you ROCK! Until next time.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

the truth behind expectations

hey guys
how are we all? good? good

now i wanna get straight to the point because this is gonna be one of those posts where i just totally express myself (but, aren't all my posts like that? hmm that's a good question) anyway, but no with this particular post it'll be sort of a general expression about something i have an opinion about rather than something specific..does that make sense? it actually sounds stupid when i try to explain it, my point is THIS POST IS UNIQUE, KAY? (i love you) alright! let's get straight to it.

i'm gonna talk about expectations, now if you read my tweets regularly you're gonna notice how i have this firm belief that expectations suck and that they always hurt and shit like that, and the reality is i do believe that but the problem is, i go on and i contradict myself almost on a daily basis you guys because even though i HATE expectations, i have them all the time, in the most unrealistic kind of way, see i expect people to go out of their way to see to it everything going in is A okay, i expect people to put in 110% effort into everything they do whether it was for me or for something else, i expect people to be basically good. and see that's the biggest mistake anyone can make because none of that is true, i'm not a total cynic you guys but seriously, how many times have your expectations been ACTUALLY met, as opposed to the times they haven't? seriously ask yourself

i won't get into too much details but recently i faced an extreme disappointment and i guess i'm still in the process of shaking it off, but the thing is, the pain from unmet expectations lingers because you have to face those people who disappointed you most times, and everytime you face them, the disappointment and hurt they caused you comes rushing back..and that's what makes it stay and hurt even more..

what makes it harder for me is that, unfortunately, i'm the kind of person who doesn't let things go, if you did something bad to me 2 years ago, chances are, i still remember, darling. and i won't resent you for it nor will i treat you badly, but it's like in my head there's this like little file for each person i've known and faced issues with, and in that file everything you did is stored, i don't want to scare anyone off or make them think i'm some angry witch, but the reality is we have to remember the way people did us wrong before so we don't allow them to do it again, because the first time they did it was because we didn't know better, but if we DID know better and we LET them run over us again, wouldn't that make us stupid?

think about that, because i know you lot aren't stupid, in fact your level of awesomeness is increasing by the SECOND! until next time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

my views on graduation

hey guys
i'm gonna be quick
how are you all?

anyway, i went to graduation yesterday at my university, and i'm gonna talk about how i felt more than the actual ceremony itself, but lets get the ceremony part out of the way, it was SPECTACULAR! now moving on..i was overwhelmed by the beauty of that event, i saw a lot of my friends graduate and my god was i in awe, it was such a beautiful feeling to witness such pure happiness on the faces of these wonderful people, and on the faces of their proud cheering parents, the sight of the parents was actually one of the most amazing things i've ever seen, they were so proud of their kids, i was so overwhelmed i actually started crying! we rarely witness beautiful events in our world today, we witness horrific images of death, injuries and pain, but yesterday, i witnessed something beautiful

to all my friends who graduated, if you're reading this, you are wonderful and you should be proud of yourself for your accomplishment and i admire and respect you fully on your achievement.

until next time

Friday, October 21, 2011

i don't fully understand love

hey guys
how are we all?

as you may all know today is my birthday, but that's not what i wanna talk about, so i'm gonna be talking about the thing mentioned in the title of this post because i really feel like i have an opinion about this that needs to be expressed

here goes:

so i'm not anti-love, i'm actually pro-love, and i think it's a beautiful emotion bas i honestly feel like i don't understand what it is sometimes...i formulated an opinion about it which goes like this:

love is a temporary infatuation that gradually turns into a force of habit

so you're probably thinking this is an extremely negative way to look at it but i really feel like it's long can you love someone? (i'm talking about romantic love here) is it possible to love someone forever? that infatuation really does fade away and it's not because you're a bad person but because you're human, you seek what gives you that rush, you seek what overwhelms you with happiness and love does that in the first couple of weeks, maybe month, but how about a year later, 10 years later, can you honestly say you feel the same? and don't give me that crap about "my love for you has grown every day since the day i met you" ok no, love elevates and then it reaches its peak, and it goes down, and a new feeling begins to form, and it's that feeling and sense of routine, it is part of your routine to have that individual in your life so you keep them in your life, but that excitement, that infatuation, it's gone. idk maybe i'm bluffing at the end of the day, i haven't really met someone who can prove me wrong..but i think we all deserve to meet someone who can prove that wrong, it would truly be beautiful to have such an influential presence in your life and hey, if you do, i'm really happy for you..i'm a sucker for love i love romantic movies and i think happy couples are the cutest thing and i do believe in love, i just don't believe it stays strong throughout it all as most people would claim...

oh and happy birthday to me! hehe until next time

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

however far away

hey guys
so i wanna talk about distance
and the role it plays in our lives

alright lets गो ! in case you're wondering that's GO in hindi..i have a thing for writing in hindi i don't know why, i don't speak hindi though, i speak arabic and english mainly and i'm well acquainted with french, but don't expect me to go off in french at any day because you'll be disappointed. anyway back to my main topic which is distance i wrote the word distance in green because when someone is far away from us they're somewhere else on planet earth, and planet earth has land and seas, and land is in green colour..well not anymore but in some rare parts, it's still kind of green..anyway again i'm drifting off into things that don't make sense..well here's what i'm trying to say, we hear references towards the hardships of distance across songs, shows, you name it.. and the thing about distance is that once you're a part of it, it's not really that hard, and i know that you can argue with me and say it is, but believe me i do know what i'm talking about, i guess it's because i'm so well-acquainted with it that it doesn't seem to affect me...when it does affect me is in that moment when i'm with someone who i'm usually distant from and then we have to say goodbye yet again...this is what makes distance hard..the repetition of goodbye..assuming you're staying in each other's lives.. now i'm talking about literal distance not emotional..that's a whole different story which i might probably blog about later but for now.. literal, physical distance .. that's hard because sometimes even though you're in the same country you don't see each other..i guess this is a really deep issue and not enough words can sum it up but how long can you really stay away from someone? i mean if you're dear to each other, you'll always come back..i know i'm drifting off again but i guess it's hard to stay focused when there are so many ideas going around my head about this but ok, here's my most basic fundamental view about physical distance, and this is author nourah talking, not blogger nourah..

"Don't you wish we were lovers without distance from each other?" this is one of my favourite lines from one of my favourite songs because it depicts a deep sense of belonging and a strong feeling of emptiness..and although physical distance is one thing and emotional distance is another, sometimes physical distance occurs when we have no is forced upon us by the cruel hands of fate and we must come to accept it otherwise we will spend all our days lurking behind shame and misery. I believe distance allows us to grow, not apart but closer, it is this distance that puts any relationship to test and shows how willing two individuals are to make their relationship (whether it was friendship, love, family) work. Although we frequently hear that long-distance relationships never work..but this is in the case of love. The thing about love is that it needs tendering and it needs in itself is similar to a demanding, needy lover. It requires constant care, and it feeds and grows off of the attention and focus given to it. Love exists within lovers and lovers exist within love, when you create a distance between 2 lovers, things get hard not because they don't love each other enough, but because their hunger isn't being fed, their need isn't being met, and this hunger and need all exists within love. Why is it easier for friends to stay friends regardless of distance? Friendships, deep friendships, are effortless most of the time, they occur naturally when you click with someone easily, all they need is that fun, casual daily conversation and that can be granted throughout the common technology we have today. But love, you cannot communicate the sweet touch of a hand through a text..or the deep romantic stare through a phone call, these things need to be seen, felt and purely experienced in order to fill that void we all have. Finally, these are my views towards distance..if you're a lover it probably won't work out unless you try really hard, and if you're friends, it should not affect you and I am not trying to belittle the value of friendship in any sense, but love..well it's a whole different story.

until next time.

Monday, October 17, 2011

the safest place

hey guys
how are we all today?
hope you're all doing WELL
so umm.. well today was pretty was productive and i'm not looking forward to next week..i have 3 important tests so enshalla they'll pass by easily...oh and i have a test on thursday..not looking forward to that either..this is kind of a turning point, so everything will be clearer once next week is over..anyway this isn't what i wanna talk about.. i wanna discuss my i do know i get some views on this so if you're reading this and you know me personally, then here's my request to you on friday 21 october (my birthday), you're entitled to wish anything you want from me, basically you can request anything you like and if it's not too extreme and if it's not inappropriate i'm up for it, most of the people that read this are from my twitter if you follow me on twitter you can just send me a tweet and you know, i'll get back to you, the reason i wanna do this is because i think it'll be fun, it'll be fun to see the kind of things people may ask from me and it'll be fun to be able to give something back...i mean there's this notion that we should make birthday wishes and that they should come true..(although most of the time they don't) but when i thought about it how do i expect my wishes to come true if i never granted anybody else's? now i'm not self-absorbed to the point where i believe some of you guys' wishes and happiness depend on me, but if there's anything i can do for you, not necessarily a wish, even if you wanted a favour, really, just ask and i'm up for it, it's important to give back, i believe it's a way of showing that you're thankful that you managed to get through another year..and to be honest this past year has been tough..i lost much more than i have gained..or at least that's what it feels like sometimes..but i won't get into that..anyway, thanks for reading this remember you're awesome and you are loved..until next time

Friday, October 14, 2011

i caught myself

hey guys
how are you all? good, good!
alright so..

trying a new format to this thing
how about bringing in some COLOUR! yes it works, oh wait, i should switch back to black. so anyway, this won't be a long post... i just wanna talk about something that i believe is important. and the fact that the word important will be in bold from now, should show you how important it really is and that i am not kidding lol no i am kidding about the kidding in bold...if you get that. anyway so yeh. i think we all have a lot of फीलिंग्स case you're wondering what that last word was, it's "feelings" in Hindi..there's this feature in blogger that allows me to write in Hindi..i know you're thinking why the hell are you writing in Hindi? i was just trying it out, my god don't be so harsh! back to my main important yeh we all have a lot of feelings and all our friends tell us we should say what we feel and shit and while that's true i don't believe we should say everything we feel, i believe there are things we need to keep to ourselves, so now you're probably thinking, ok so you're saying we shouldn't say what we feel yet you're on this blog saying how YOU feel, why are you such a hypocrite nourah? to answer your question first of all, NO i am not a hypocrite! and second, i don't post everything i feel on this blog believe it or not, there are things i do keep to myself because sometimes we need to control the words that come out of our mouths, we can't say everything and some of you may already know that, but here's the thing...sometimes you may think it's ok to say something but before you do, stop and think about the things that will come after, because those things may affect the relationship you have someone, take me for example, sometimes i hear things from people who i interact with all the time, and frankly they go on their lives thinking that what they said wasn't important and that i don't remember it but guess what? i do. i remember every little thing, every little situation that i went through with someone, especially the bad..not because i'm a pessimist, but because it is wise my friends, it is wise to remember what people have done to you in the past so you'll know how to handle their crap in the future..and you can quote me on that...assuming you read till the very end, which i hope you did because it's of utmost importance that you do, and yes importance is slightly different from important but whatever, tomato tomato, LOL see what i did there? anyway until next time!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

take what i took and give it back to you

hey guys
i should be studying but i'm not, i'm here and i need to vent, i won't get too personal but my god, why do we ever let people have such an overwhelming effect on us? i'm strong and i try to stay this way but we all have moments of weakness but sometimes i just want things to go back the way they were and not have any of this change revolve around me, it's too much and it's happening too fast and i feel like when i get the chance to sit down and hits me hard, and one more thing, i'm not unapproachable and i sure as hell don't bite, so if you have something to say please say it, i feel like i need support...i should stop talking. until next time

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

i'm tired of missing you

hey guys
ok the title of this is extremely controversial and you can think whatever you like but i'm gonna explain what i ACTUALLY mean and if you still wanna go off with your own mistaken thoughts, well there's nothing i can do about often do people walk in and out of our lives..quite often in my case and it doesn't bother me, i think it's a natural process in life but sometimes it hurts more than it should, and even though you know someone no longer is a part of your life..missing them exhausts you everyday...i've been missing quite a few people actually and i feel like change is coming and we all know how i feel about that..i don't have much else to say but all i know is most things in life (not all) happen due to the choices we make, and it is these choices that determine what our future will be like, don't regret anything..sometimes doing the right thing hurts and sometimes it is impossible to forget the prints someone has left in your life...until next time.

Monday, October 10, 2011

so who are you

good morning, how are you all?
the title of this post is weird i know but you'll get it by the time you reach the end of this post, (assuming you'll read that far and not lose interest halfway) well here goes..its 9:52 am and i need to be out of here by 10:15ish, i'm gonna try to think of the right things to say fast, lately i've been having very little room to breathe and it feels like everything around me is changing and to be honest, change is one of those things that really frightens me, because you never know when it's going to hit you and how it's going to hit you...and now my mind has gone completely blank again..lately i've been facing a lot of disappointment and even though it's upsetting, it's a part of life because we constantly have to remind ourselves..and we constantly have to ask ourselves who we are from the beginning..who are you? who am i? who are we? what kind of people are we and how do we respond to this change or how do we respond to this unfortunate circumstance, ask yourself, know how you are, because it is you who will be solving every difficult encounter and in order to be able to do that, you need to know the kind of person you are, are you a person who avoids this kind of thing and responds by shaking it off? or are you a person who is headstrong and takes on new challenges? or are you a person who evaluates each situation differently and decides whether they're going to handle it or not? or finally, are you all of the above! it is impossible to think of a human being as one certain thing, we are a bundle of qualities and features and that is why we face issues and problems everyday...i don't know what else to say, i haven't blogged in a while and i hope this sums up what i wanted to say clearly, and i hope you understand the title of this post now..if you don't then you're probably a lost cause, you can read about my views on lost causes in my older post :p hehe kidding, if you're reading this then you're awesome! until next time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

so it's been a while!

hey guys
how are you all?
i know i didn't blog in a while but i don't think i've been missed b9ara7a. yala anyway. i've barely had enough time to come in and sit on my computer let alone blog and the reason behind that is that i have a lot on my plate right now, which is just the way i like it. my birthday is still closer than ever and i'm looking forward to it because it's my favourite day of the year! and i respect people who remember it's my birthday and wish me a happy birthday, it's sort of a reminder of who cared enough to remember and who didn't, you know? hmm what else..ok i'm in this weird zone right now where i'm confused about some things and idk if i'm doing the right things or not, i hope i am..i don't wanna get caught up in a mess...hmm what else? wow i'm actually out of things to say, i'm talking less isn't that weird? i'm usually chatty. anyway i have to go now. until next time

Friday, September 30, 2011

so my birthday is soon

hey guys how are you all doing?
so this post is self-explanatory i'm gonna be talking about my upcoming birthday! i love my birthday it always feels special because i love getting older but i also hate it..i mean i'm turning 19 and that's cool BUT i hate that i'm getting closer to turning 20, i mean seriously i am nothing like most 20 year-olds, a7es i'm too immature to be 20 and it's just weird man it's just weird! i'm finding it hard to come up with things to say right now idk why but anyway i'm not ready to be 20 and i won't have to worry about that for another year but let's face it, time is running faster than the wildest horses out seemed like my 18th birthday was 18th birthday was amazing, i know this birthday will be different but hopefully just as good..there's something i REALLY want, one of them is james blunt but the other thing is like top secret and i'm kinda convinced it won't happen but my god if it does, i will be so happy.
until next time

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

so here are my views on music

hey guys, how are you all doing?
so i'm gonna talk about music in this post because i think music is an important part in each our lives and i noticed there's always a heated debate about good music and bad music..let me be clear about one thing THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS BAD MUSIC, there's such a thing as music we may not like but to some people it can be good, now this doesn't mean you're not entitled to say a song is bad, because you're entitled to do whatever dude seriously, BUT the problem is when you say it's bad and you're convinced other people should think it's bad too, and that's just wrong what the hell ya3nee? for example, i'm one of the many people who think rebecca black's friday isn't the best song out there, but if YOU like it good for you! a song isn't strictly bad because i say so, who am i to make that decision? now here's my opinion about what i think a good song should have..a good song should be able to touch you in a way, like i know you're thinking how can a dance/party song touch me? those can be touching too because when i say touch you i mean it has to move something inside of you, a dance/party song may make you want to get up and dance and be happy, that's touching you in a i'm going to take a moment and tell you about an artist i respect, value and adore..some of you who know me and are reading this probably can guess who i'm going to talk about..james blunt. where do i begin? james blunt is the very reason i listen to music, now that i think about it..he has that voice, that voice that can capture you immediately and hold on to you till his song is over, and he'll leave you wanting to hear more, he takes me on a ride with him and my god he is beautiful...i've seen some videos of him performing live and i swear to you, he sings with such depth and intensity i can't help but fall in love with i love in with james blunt? yes i am. because he's everything i love, he's sensitive, poetic and charming..i know you're thinking so you like softies and no he's not a softie i just respect a man who can openly express his feelings..i also think it should be more socially acceptable for a man to enjoy james blunt's music without being thought of as a softie as well, because james blunt's songs carry an important message about love, hope, despair and truth.
don't get me wrong there are other AMAZING artists out there, but i feel connected to james blunt the most..which artists do you feel connected to and why? if you have me on twitter just give me a mention or a DM, and if you don't have me on twitter you can follow me if you like (@nourah_o) or you can reply yeh. until next time

Monday, September 26, 2011

so i'm looking for beauty

hey guys
how are you? i didn't blog yesterday although i doubt anyone noticed, but anyhow i think i was trying to make a statement. whatever! moving on. so the title of this blog may seem a little strange, i'm in this weird mood right now i guess, i'm not sad or emo or anything REALLY i'm a happy person, most of the time and i am moved by beautiful things, if you know me well enough then you'll know how my face gets when a beautiful song comes on, or when i'm looking at a beautiful piece of art, or when i just finished reading an amazing book, i feel like we live in such a fast-paced world that no one really stops and absorbs the beautiful things in life and that's really a problem, because it is these beautiful things that add to our happiness, and as happier individuals we can live a better life..i look for beauty in everything i do, i look for success in every project i take and i push myself to the limit whenever i give my word to someone, you can argue and say some investments are risky and you're DAMN right they are, but if you don't win, you acquire a new lesson and a new experience, and some of that will taste bitter but believe you me it is all worth it..i don't have anything else to say right now i'm actually really hungry, so i'm gonna go look for beauty in the kitchen haha! until next time.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

so i suck with money

hey guys, how are you all?
today started off really well, i did a lot of shopping and i had a good time with my mum, but then we went to the bank to deposit some money in my bank account, and the atm machine had this deposit service and i put the money in, and when i finished, i clicked back and then it said that the transaction was void! so at first i was like ok let's see how much i have in my account, and then it showed me my original bank balance even though i deposited a large amount of money so it should be more! now this is my mum's money so i freaked out because i didn't want to make it seem like i'm irresponsible, luckily god blessed me with an amazing, understanding mum and she calmed me down and contacted the bank, they said they'll contact the branch and have the money transferred to my account by tomorrow, i still feel a little shaky because i hate it when i make mistakes and i know you're thinking nourah everyone makes mistakes, but i don't like to make mistakes because i like to think i'm a smart person and yes i know smart people make mistakes but smart people don't make stupid mistakes and i felt really stupid today, idk..anyway until next time

Friday, September 23, 2011

so some people are a lost cause

hey guys
how's everybody doing? i realised that i start rambling on about my day and my views and i don't really ask the politest question in the english language "how are you?" and yeh i don't have thousands of people reading this but i know the number of views i get and if you're reading this now, i genuinely want to know how you're doing, so just answer me through your computer screen or something, although someone passing by may think you're crazy because you're talking to a computer but then you can tell them about my blog and i'll become a millionaire. ok maybe not a millionaire. anyway! now back to what i had plans to discuss, some people are a lost cause, now that sounds so cynical and so negative and so mean but the reality is people, IT'S TRUE. some people ARE a lost cause and we shouldn't waste our time, and the reality is i know that things like that are really easy to say but hard to execute but just think about it, you can't be any more emotional than i am, seriously i'm like the most emotional person ever and i cry over everything but the thing is while i do have a strong connection with my feelings i also compensate that by having a strong connection with what's actually happening around me, for example sometimes a girl can be crazily in love with someone and he doesn't acknowledge her existence, and that's ok because let's face it all girls go through that at some point, and yeh it's totally ok to be upset about that because it's hurtful to know that someone that you find perfect for yourself doesn't agree with you, but at the same time, really think about it. awesome people exist everywhere, and i'm pretty sure that every single girl out there who faced rejection DOES have some awesome qualities, so why do you upset yourself when in reality that guy who doesn't know how awesome you are is the one who should be upset because he doesn't get to have YOUR awesome presence in his life. i really feel upset when girls around me feel undervalued by guys especially, because the reality is we all have and WILL face rejection but please, it does not make you a lesser person and you shouldn't feel like you're unworthy, you are beautiful and that guy is probably just one of those people who happens to be a lost cause. some of you may be thinking right now ok nourah, who is this lost cause that made you come up with all of this? and the answer is almost every single douche and moron i've met, girls and guys, seriously i came across hundreds of assholes and i'm positive that more are coming along, but my attitude towards all these assholes stays the same, they're all lost causes and i won't change myself or upset myself over people who don't value me for me, because if you know me, then you'll know that i'm pretty damn valuable. and no i'm not arrogant, it's the truth, and you're valuable too, remember that.
until next time.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

so i used the boys bathroom today

hey guys
before i start giving you the details of my day, i'll just skip to the part that explains the title of this post, yes i did use the boys bathroom, no i am not used to doing such a thing, i was at the restaurant and i really needed the bathroom and girls (as always) take ages in the bathroom as they create a whole new look for themselves in there, and frankly i couldn't wait so i used the boys room and to be honest it wasn't even that different from the girl's bathroom, the only difference was the sign on the door and the looks i got when i left it, anyway i don't care i know i did the right thing. so now that that's out of the way, let me tell you about the rest of my day, i had college from 8 to 5, completed a lot of shit, and then i went to abu-alhassaniya for my last day with nahla before she leaves to dublin *sound of heart breaking* we had a great time and we must have talked about a thousand different of the things was how i think that everything in life depends on your attitude and your attitude ALONE, circumstances and unexpected events have nothing to do with how things go in life, it all depends on how your attitude is towards all of this. for example i know someone, and i have a particular attitude towards that person, but i know that their attitude towards me is different, so there's no way in hell i'm gonna tell them what i really want to treat them like so i just give as i receive..the thing about that though is that if we only give just as much as we receive, there will be no room for good in life, i mean things like acts of kindness, smiles to strangers and helping the less fortunate...they don't involve giving as much as receiving because we received nothing from these acts, or these strangers or the less fortunate, but we gave..and that's what makes us pure. am i a giver? that's a hard question to be honest, i like to be a giver but sometimes it's hard to overcome some of the crappy things a lot of people put me through, but i will never lose faith in humanity, there are good people out there, there is happiness and most importantly there will always be love.
until next time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

so this is gonna be a quick post

hey guys
i'm like totally tired but i thought i had to update you all before i went to bed and got ready for a new day in my exciting *yawn* life, anyway today i didn't have college which is fine by me since this week raped me, and i had lunch at an awesome restaurant, you may have heard of it it's called mais al ghanim..then i went out with some friends and i did something kinda wild and out there, but no matter what i'm not gonna say what it is here, i hope this doesn't disappoint anyone, but really i can't say, all i can tell you is that it has been done 3 times, and it's crazy and stupid and a bit out there but what's life without a little wildness right? and if you know me personally and i haven't already told you what this thing is then please don't come and ask me because chances are if i didn't tell you by now, i wasn't planning to in the first place. anyway enough on that, i have a long day of college awaiting me tomorrow and that's it for now i guess. until next time

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

so today was long but i liked it

hey guys
i'm in this elevated, floating mood right now. i'm not high or anything but i feel like i'm above grounds, idk why though, maybe it's because i've been exhausted all day and i'm gonna get some rest soon, i had a somewhat productive day, it's been good. naturally like any other day many thoughts came in and out, new thoughts were born, and older thoughts were restored..that's the thing, thoughts never go away, they just hibernate or develop. i spent most of my day at uni which works for me kinda since i like it there, but towards the end it got too tiring, it's weird i can't think of much things to say, is it because i'm tired? maybe. there's something about songs with the beautiful sound of a piano that always gets to me, i myself am a pianist but not an accomplished one, i grew up doing it but i haven't picked it up in a while, why did i pick piano? i don't feel i picked it, i feel that it picked that weird? idk i feel like it sent out this vibe that pulled me to it, it can be jazzy and it can be soothing, it can be dark and it can be smooth, it can create opposing, contrasting reactions to different situations and that sort of reminds me of me, and i know you're thinking so nourah you're a walking contradiction? no i'm not, i'm totally straightforward but when i come to think of it, no person has a fixed view on everything it's like when you look at a person's views politically, it's really difficult to find someone who's conservative or liberal about EVERYTHING, for example there are things i believe we should be conservative about like crime and the applying of law, and then there are things we should be liberal about like people's freedom to expression and their rights, so i guess what i'm saying is that sometimes it's ok to have opinions about yourself that are kinda opposite in nature because that's what creates a beautiful human being, being different and allowing yourself to express that difference proudly, and always be proud of who you are and never try to shape your opinion just to agree with everybody else's, that's weak and unwelcomed by me..but at the end of the day my opinion towards other people's actions that don't explicitly or implicitly affect me is "do whatever you want"
that's enough for now...until next time.

Monday, September 19, 2011

so i made a new friend today

hey guys
so i arrived home a while ago, today was a pretty interesting day, i had uni in the morning, then i had lunch at le notre then i went to the city to run an errand and then i spent the rest of the day at abu-alhassaniya with a close friend, we tried out nestle toll house then we roamed around and hung out at the beach, we started playing at the swings and this little girl who couldn't have been more than 1 or 2 years old came to me and she reached out her arms, so i took her and sat her on my lap and started swinging her with me, she wouldn't stop smiling at me i felt so loved! her name is lulwa but i called her lulu hehe, then when we were about to leave i went to say bye to her and her mum was there with her so i introduced myself to the mum and her mum was like "ooh you made a new friend today!" and that's when i really smiled, because that little girl was just so cute and adorable, this is what i love the most about children, how spontaneous and trusting they are of other people, it really made my day seeing the smile on that little girl's face, i uploaded a picture of me and her on my twitter page, so if you're THAT curious you can go check it out, man that little girl was adorable, hehe i'm gonna be smiling about this for a while now, anyway this is enough for now..until next time.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

so this post is for girls mainly

hey guys, or girls actually.
anyway guys is a common term in my books but i am focusing this post on girls, i don't get a lot of readers on this thing but i do know i get SOME, and i hope that girls get a chance to read this because i have a very important message i wanna deliver to you i've been in different situations around different people and i understand the needs that every girl has, because i too have them, i'm just another girl really. and believe me girls, i am the most emotional person you'll ever meet, i wasn't like this before but now i'm so freakin sensitive man throw a paper at me and i'll break, i cry easily and i wear my heart on my sleeve basically, and i don't think it's a weakness, bel 3aks i'm proud of the ability to express my feelings, and what i want all of you girls to consider is the following:
1) no person, ESPECIALLY A GUY, is worth you changing yourself for.
2) don't give out too many second chances, they'll just not respect you and treat you even worse than they did before
3) when you love someone (and i'm talking all kinds of love, friend love, sister\brother love, moo bas love love, i believe there's more to life than just that kind of love) love them in every possible way you can.

why am i directing this message to girls only? i'll tell you why. i see a lot of girls around me who talk about how a lot of people hurt them and you know i'm one of those girls, and the reason any of us feel upset over a situation like this is because we feel that we must have did something wrong for a person to treat us and respond this way, and it's girls who are more fragile about this issue because naturally, we're the more sensitive ones, but what i discovered was that if i am who i am, if i draw the right amount of line between the number of times i'll let you screw me over and the number of times you DID screw me over, and if i KNOW i gave you all the love i have (again whether you're a friend, cousin, sibling whatever) then what MORE can i do? seriously, ask yourself this question, whenever you're in a problem with someone, what MORE can you do that you haven't already done? and if you did hold back from giving something you could have given earlier, then yes you should feel responsible and you can talk to the person and hopefully everything will work out, but ask yourself this, what if you gave it everything you could yet you still ended up getting screwed over? well, in that case the lesson here is "that's life" think about that if you can and i do hope this message spreads.
until next time

so today was my first day

hey guys
so i'm back to college! and it felt good to be back, it was exhausting i'll admit but i absolutely love having a fixed routine back in my life, seriously i love it, love it love it love it! the summer felt too chaotic and i've been lifeless for a while now and i'm not ashamed to admit it, i've been searching and searching for different opportunities and now is the time when things are turning around for me, i actually feel maturer this's a nice feeling to have, i'm generally happy right now and i hope the semester passes by smoothly, i'm writing this while listening to james blunt, did i mention he's my favourite artist ever? i guess it's the sincerity in his tone of voice that pulls me the most, i mean he always sounds genuine in every song he sings, two of my all-time favourite songs are by him. speaking of which, do you guys wanna know my all-time favourite songs? i'll list them but they won't be in order, mosta7eel i can order them it's way too hard, if you're reading this and you're looking for some good music to listen to, in my opinion this is what i think:
1) 1973-James Blunt
2) Same mistake-James Blunt
3) Swans- Unkle Bob
4) Fix you- Coldplay

there are a lot more songs that move me and i'll probably mention these songs more often in my next blogs since they all affect me in different ways but i think that's enough for now, no? until next time.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

so it's a new day

hey guys
so its 10:44 am where i am and i just woke up, i kinda feel a bit helpless idk why, who cares, anyway i learnt to put up with myself. i start college tomorrow, i'll try to post something up here before i do but it'll be really early in the morning so i don't know if i'll remember or not. this morning i'm thinking about one particular thing, how almost strangers leave an impact on our lives. isn't it funny how people you barely know can affect you so much without knowing it? maybe it's just me but i believe the presence of every individual in my life has a meaning to it, for example a former friend may have been brought into my life to teach me a lesson about how bad friends are like, which is why they're a former friend now. or a meaningless quick infatuation may be brought into my head just to remind me that i'm still a teen at heart. i'm gonna be 19 soon, my last teenage year, it sure feels weird. i was never one of those all-high teen girl that everyone wanted to be like, i was the awkward one with the bad hair and pimples and it's ok i never really felt that i hated that about me, i don't set unrealistic expectations for myself, i think that this is an important phase i must go through and i'm glad i did the way i did, the thing that scares me though is the part that comes after, ever since i was 13 all i knew who to be was a teenager, and now after i step out of 19 i feel like it's a completely new chapter in my life. maybe i'm making a big deal about things like i usually do, but the idea of being 20 really scares me. i mean i always thought that a person who is 20 is like really old (i know that's childish of me to think but whatever it's how i think) and like, really mature you know? but i don't feel old, i am mature yes but there never was an age restriction on maturity. anyway i won't have to worry about being 20 for another year, so that's enough for now. until next time.

Friday, September 16, 2011

so i'm a bit of a wreck

hey guys
so lately something weird has been happening to me, now i'm not a depressed person or like one of those drama queens who make a huge fuss about everything, i'm normal, good things make me happy and bad things make me sad, i'm a little overly sensitive and i do express my emotions in a blatant way but i try not to be melodramatic, but lately it feels like i'm reacting to everything that's happening around me in a really exaggerated way. the smallest things are upsetting me, well some of them aren't small but they're way too personal to be mentioned here, i hope this doesn't disappoint the thousands of readers i get on this page, anyway, idk man, maybe it's one of those days but it's been going on for a while, i wish things were easier, i wish a person can actually control how they feel, although that does have its disadvantages, a huge part of life's magic and beauty comes from our inability to control how we feel about different people and situations, but it goes both ways right? you have to get the bad to get the good and vice versa...i just feel like a lot of the bad has been going around in my head, seriously my head actually hurts right now, i need a break, i haven't been on a legitimate vacation in soooooo long, i haven't cleared my head since god knows when, no wonder i've been feeling this way, i need to breathe and wow this is a pretty terrible time to realize this since i'm starting college on sunday, how smart of me, man yeh ok whatever i'll just suck it up like i've been doing for the past years, and maybe this won't be an issue once i'm back in college, maybe a distraction is what i need, and college is definitely a huge distraction. until next time

Thursday, September 15, 2011

so i'm tired

hey guys
so i just got back home from the avenues, if you're not from kuwait and you're reading this (which i highly doubt) the avenues is this huge mall that everyone goes to here, i like it a lot. anyway, i don't have any deep train of thoughts that i wanna share like i did yesterday, but i'm pretty tired from my day, it was productive though, i had a successful morning, thankfully and i had a great evening out. some people here can be really rude though, it annoys me when two perfectly decent girls are walking and they keep getting harassed, seriously what's that about? it makes me uncomfortable to know that anyone can jump at me any second, it's so rude and vulgar and i wish some people would behave in a more civilized manner. anyway, what else? umm let's see, it was a good day generally, i'm glad i get tomorrow off though, i've been running around the city and university all week long finishing up some shit, all of it will clear up in the next couple of days when i announce my big news (to the millions of people reading this blog..haha this is sad) and that's all i have to say for now, i'm pretty tired, and that's the explanation behind the title of this post. until next time

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

so i constantly think

hey guys
so doesn't it bug you when all you can do is sit around and think about the same things, same people, same mistakes...idk i'm just one of those people who lingers on every thought out there and that's really a problem for me because sometimes i can't sleep because of it, and sometimes my feelings are affected by my on-going thoughts that are created by some of my deluded feelings, i basically upset myself over nothing sometimes, and it's not because i choose to it's just how i function. right now i'm thinking about the changes that my life is gonna undergo in this period, i'm gonna announce some big news later on but fundamentally my life is in a huge transition phase right now and that won't stop, i'm not afraid of change but i do worry about my response to it, i can never predict if i'll be able to handle something gracefully, or handle it like a complete mess. also i keep thinking about my future and the things i want. i'm the kind of girl who sees herself as a headstrong individual with a passion to work and grow, and i convinced myself that that's all i need, which was ok for a while until i realised i was in a huge state of denial. i don't wanna be fulfilled academically and professionally only, i want to be fulfilled emotionally too, i want to experience something deep, i want a real genuine connection with everyone around me and no amount of work or success can negate that. i guess i worry because whenever you bring people in any equation, it'll always have an element of hurt or disappointment in it and i handle these things in a tough way, i don't know, i'm stronger than i used to be but deep down i'm just a big softie. something else worries me, to some this is the greatest thing ever but to me it's terribly frightening, i cannot possibly predict anything about my future, and obviously i'm no psychic but i would like some kind of hint of where i'm going to be and what my plans are, i like making plans, but it feels like after college i'll just sit around and play with these never-ending ideas in my head, and depending on which one i choose, i'm giving up another potentially life-changing possibility. man i need to stop thinking about these things..i need to but i doubt i will, anyway i rambled on enough for now. until next time

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

so i start next week

so i finished the summer course a couple of days ago and it went really well el 7imdella, i start my third year of college on sunday enshalla, i hope the semester passes by smoothly, something tells me time will go even faster in this semester idk why though, maybe because i'm creating this new policy, i will always keep myself busy and put my time to good use, so yeh, as the summer vacation is about to end and for many it already ended, i hope you all had a great summer and i hope you're all ready for the challenges of the new year, good luck! until next time

Sunday, September 4, 2011

so i should blog

alright so i'm nourah, i'm almost 19, i'm a university student and i'm generally nice. i'm very chatty so there's a chance no one will actually follow this blog but whoever reads this, reads this! i'm currently in the middle of a summer course at uni, and this week is sort of the last week and i'm completely dreading it, not because i like the summer course in any way, but because after the last week comes the final, which is something i'm not looking forward to, anyway it'll be done and over with before i know it, i recently got my driver's license but i'm still in the process of ironing out my driving and making sure i'm in a good place, andddd oh ok i recently started watching how i met your mother, barney stinson blogs, so that's kinda why i'm into this thing now haha, so lame of me right? anyway i think its an awesome show... what else? OH i'm from kuwait! i forgot to mention that, i'm from kuwait and i absolutely love kuwait, whenever i travel i get so homesick and i think about the things i'd do if i was in kuwait, i love the places, i love the sense of familiarity and i just love it here man, alright i think i'll stop here...until next time! (that's going to be my catch phrase, original no?)

Saturday, August 27, 2011


hello, ok so this is my first post, i don't have much to vent about right now but i'll probably be filling up this blog sooner or later since i always have something to say

ok then :)